The Malvinas’ claim before the UN Decolonization Committee, point by point | “It is imperative that the UK agrees to establish a dialogue”


During a session of the United Nations Decolonization Committee, Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá again demanded that Britain “Resume diplomatic negotiations” on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands and the archipelago usurped for 188 years. Argentina’s claim “is stronger than ever,” he noted and he also called on international organizations to urge the crown to comply with international regulations.

In his speech, Solá clearly indicated “the will of the Argentine government to continue to tirelessly seek a peaceful solution” to this demand, despite “the British refusal” to discuss the “usurpation” of the national territory.

There is no other reason than the UK’s intention to maintain the patently illegitimate colonial situation, so that the bilateral dialogue on the issue of the Malvinas does not resume for the moment ”, underlined the head of the palace of San Martín in front of the authorities of the UNO.

During her speech at the agency’s headquarters in New York, Solá reviewed the history of the usurpation of the Argentine archipelago, dating from 1833, and not only denounced the breaches of London to respect the international rules which since 1965 oblige it to sit down and speak, but also he also criticized the “unilateral actions”, political and military, with which Great Britain transgresses these international regulations in force since 1965.

In this sense, he wonders the “unjustified and disproportionate military presence” which regularly carries out “maneuvers and exercises against which Argentina has vigorously protested” since they began less than a decade ago.

The Chancellor also questioned “The illegal exploration and exploitation of renewable and non-renewable resources in the disputed area “and the extension of fishing licenses” in the waters surrounding the Malvinas for a further period of 25 years, starting in 2031 “

Likewise, he quoted “The illegitimate exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon resources” in the archipelago.

The issues had been discussed during the bilateral meeting that Solá held on Tuesday with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, and Wednesday with him President of the United Nations General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir.

The issue was returned to the agenda when Foreign Ministry Chief of Staff Guillermo Justo Chaves and Malvinas, Antarctic and South Atlantic Secretary Daniel Filmus met with Deputy -Secretary General of the United Nations for Europe and Central Asia. and Americas from the Departments of Political Affairs and Peacebuilding, and Peace Operations, Miroslav Jenča, under whose orbit is the Decolonization Committee.

Everyone showed the Expansion of memberships of various countries to Argentina’s claim, to which Solá also referred during his speech this afternoon to the Commission on Decolonization.

“Unanimous support for the peaceful restoration of the effective exercise of sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas is stronger than ever today”, said the head of the Argentine diplomacy.

The Chancellor was accompanied in his speech by Filmus and in his speech he underlined that this year “begins the fourth international decade for the elimination of colonialism, and this Special Committee is still facing the challenge of colonial situations which have not yet been resolved ”.

In the same way, denounced that the British “usurpation” of the archipelago is part of “the scourge of colonialism” that UN General Assembly resolution 2065 called for to end. These negotiations, he added, “failed due to the British refusal” to sit down and talk.


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