The man claims to come from the year 2174 and warned of three disasters that will occur in the coming weeks | the Chronicle


A young man called Aery Yormany, self-proclaimed “time traveler”, assured that it comes from the year 2714 and left a series of prophecies for planet Earth, among which three stand out that would be catastrophic. He announced it on his account TIC Tac, where to pretend to give notice and collaborate with human beings. His video has gone viral on social media.

In the social networks, content on a variety of topics is generally found. They are linked to humor, animals, viral challenges and later those linked to the “strange” or “mysterious”, also paranormal, also coexist on the platforms.

On this occasion, the video of this tiktoker who not only recognizes being “a time traveler” but he predicted that between September 11 and 26 This year the world will suffer one disaster after another.

Yormany explained in the clip that the first catastrophic event happened on September 11, the day thatAlien to take 4000 skilled workers and children to planet Proxima B, following arrival of another hostile species.

In this sense, he stressed that the second alert will be cataclysmic and occurred on September 14 where the biggest hurricane in history will hit the east coast of the United States, making it the first Category 6 “Yormany said.

The last event harmful to mankind will occur on September 26 when “a chimpanzee will learn to speak thanks to a mutation of its vocal cords “This was reported in the recording, which was seen by millions of people on social networks.

Many of you still don’t believe me that I am a time traveler in the year 2714, so remember these three dates in September.“, Underlined the tiktoker in its publications, which generated jokes to respect people who believe in this type of omen.

Premonitions of the “time traveler” for the next few years

The young man who has 956,000 followers not only made it clear that these three disasters will mark a real before and after across the world. His prophecies go beyond these tragedies and in other videos the man pointed out that there would be more events in the years to come.

In this context, Aery Yormany He listed a series of facts which will be concatenated from next year. In the 2022, man will find the lost island Atlantis somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The 2023 will be chosen by aliens, who respond to the name of noziques “. They are they will infiltrate the planet and seek to be part of the governments to govern.

Finally, he clarified that if this premonition referred to aliens called “Undercover agents” did not succeed, they predict that in 2024 an acid rainDestroy the world or most of it in a nuclear explosion. It remains to be seen whether the forecasts manage to exceed the restrictions imposed on humans in the context of the pandemic we have experienced in recent years.


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