The man of your dreams is not what you imagined … | Chronic


A patient of a renowned psychiatrist from the American city of New York drew the face of a man who had appeared many times in his dreams.

According to the woman, since the first appearance of this mysterious image in 2006, the subject has repeatedly advised her about her private and personal life, but she swears she does not know him.

A few days later, another patient of the same professional, in the middle of his session, looked at the portrait drawn by the woman and badured that the same man had spoken to him when he was sleeping.

Concerned about the situation, the psychiatrist sent the drawing to his colleagues. In a few months, more than 2000 similar cases have been reported in the localities of Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, ​​Stockholm, Paris. New Delhi, Moscow.

The mysterious thing is that no one knows his man and everyone called him "that man" . The reasons for this phenomenon are under study because none of the people who dreamed of the subject is related to another.

The original drawing of the mysterious man.


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