The mandatory quarantine for travelers from Argentina is already in force in Spain


In principle, This temporary restriction on non-consumable travel from countries considered high risk by Spain will be in effect until August 10, but it may be extended in case the cases of coronavirus do not decrease.

In addition, Only persons from third countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Namibia can enter the country, if they reside in Spain or Andorra, if they are spouses of Spanish citizens or certified couples, or ascendants and descendants living in their charge, provided that they travel with or to meet the Spanish citizen.

The list of authorized persons also includes residents of the European Union or associated States, visa holders and diplomatic, consular, international, military, civil protection organizations and members of humanitarian organizations, in the exercise of their functions.

The entry of transport, maritime and aeronautical personnel essential to air transport activities and people justifying reasons of force majeure or a situation of need is also envisaged, according to the press release. published on the official website of the Spanish Embassy in Argentina.

During the quarantine period, travelers should stay at home or in their accommodation, limiting their travel to essential matters such as purchasing food or pharmaceuticals, as well as contact with other people.

The health authorities can also contact people in quarantine at any time to monitor them and observe that they are following the protocol.

Spain has suffered a new wave of coronavirus cases for several weeks (677 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for 14 days on Friday) and several regions have imposed restrictions.

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