The "manifesto" against "Hispanic invaders" of the author of the Walmart massacre


The site, a haven of freedom for white supremacists, quickly erased its content. Ninety minutes later, Crusius started rushing: he started firing at hundreds of people who, according to the authorities, were in the Walmart store at that time.

In the text, he says that he would probably die the same day, but the truth is that he surrendered shortly thereafter to the police without resistance.

However, at least 20 people have died and 26 others have been injured in what is already considered one of the worst shootings in the recent history of the United States.

As the suspect confessed to the authorities shortly thereafter, his goal was to "kill as many Mexicans" as possible, which follows from the document that the authorities finally attributed to him on Sunday.

As a result, El Paso district attorney, Jaime Esparza, said the police would treat the case as a "domestic terrorism" and would seek the death penalty for Crusius.

Earlier, the authorities had explained that the document was charged with "hatred, intolerance and fanaticism" and that it could show a connection between the suspect and "hate groups".

But what is the "manifesto" that led the US authorities to consider what happened as "domestic terrorism" and a "hate crime"?

"White supremacism"

The "manifesto" begins with a statement of sympathy towards the author of the shooting in the mosques of Christchurch, during which 51 people died in two consecutive attacks in March.

The suspect, who followed the same pattern as the author of the attacks in New Zealand, said the attack was a response to what he called a "Hispanic invasion of Texas."

Texas, like most of the southern states of the United States, belonged to Mexico until the late 19th century.

In addition, along with the attacker Christchurch, he invokes a widespread idea among white supremacists: foreign nationals have displaced "whites" of "European" origin.

Some shoppers lost family members minutes after the shooting.

This racial theory called "the great substitute" was put forward by a French writer named Renaud Camus and states that European elites have worked to "replace" white Europeans with immigrants from the Middle East and from around the world. North Africa.

Crusius' rant, with four folios and 2300 words, titled "The Uncomfortable Truth" and does not attack that Mexicans and Hispanics, she also claims that "Jews will not take" the place of "White Americans".

The Democratic members of Congress are also among the critics because, according to the attacker, they have a strategy to reach a permanent majority in order to take into account the growth of the Hispanic population.

He also blamed the two-party politicians for "the rotting US from the inside," while lamenting that "the huge Hispanic population of Texas" is returning to the state "a democratic fortress" .

In his anti-immigration speech, he also picks up another common idea among the supremacists: immigrants accept jobs from the "natives" and their liberation can improve life in the United States.

"If we can eliminate enough, our way of life will be more sustainable," he said.

In one of the most tense moments of the manifesto, the attacker enters into minute details about the pros and cons of the AK-47 and AR-15 weapons, their ammunition, the bullet design and the "penetration" that they would have in the body of His victims

The suspicion also attempts to take responsibility for Trump's speeches on immigrants and ensures that his position precedes the current president's government.

"My views on automation, immigration and other factors precede Trump and his presidential campaign," he says.

US President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that news from the region was "very bad, a lot of deaths."

However, like the president, he attacks the media for spreading "false information".

"The media is reputed for their false information, and their reaction to this attack will probably confirm it," he wrote.

A Twitter account with the name of the suspect contains tweets containing a hashtag "BuildTheWall", a photo with guns that form the word "Trump" and the words "Trump". Paul's publications. Joseph Watson, a far-right youtuber who works with Alex Jones on InfoWars.

The president, who was questioned by his opponents for having inspired such acts by his anti-immigrant speeches, wrote on Twitter that what had happened had looked like an "act of cowardice", although this Sunday, as many Republicans, attributes what happened to Mental Diseases of the attackers.

Another form of "terrorism"

As during the attack in New Zealand, several badysts pointed out that the perpetrators of these shots went unnoticed when governments fought against other types of "terrorist acts".

Robert Evans, a journalist studying Radicalism on the Internet, writes that the shooter's manifesto El Paso shows how "terror" becomes part of a game and how some platforms, such as 8chan, are used for the radicalization towards supremacism. White.

Gordon Corera, BBC correspondent for security, also believes that the shooting in El Paso fits into the growing and disturbing trend of extreme right-wing violence at the international level.

"As the attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March, the alleged attacker fits a particular profile: a person who could have acted alone, but who had visited an international online site that refers to the subculture of extremism, which others incite and encourage acts of violence, "he said.

Last April, another attacker who opened fire on a synagogue in Poway, California, also issued an anti-Semitic tirade in 8chans.

According to official data, the number of Americans who have died since 9/11 from such attacks is higher than those who lost their lives in acts related to "international terrorism".

However, despite the security and the many international campaigns against "international terrorism" led by the United States. no agency in this country is responsible for identifying "terrorist organizations" at the national level.

Furthermore, no criminal offense is badociated with such acts, and no criminal offense is badociated with this act, which results in the prosecution of persons considered as "national terrorists" on the basis of other existing laws, such as "the crime of" hatred "or violation of the laws relating to firearms or to a criminal badociation.



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