The map of abortion in Latin America: the evolution of regulation by country


The legalization of abortion is not only approved in all Latin American countries, but the restrictions to which women are subject have many variations depending on the country. In this range of inequalities, Cuba, Uruguay, Guyana, French Guiana and Puerto Rico are the only ones that allow for the legal interruption of pregnancy. in the first weeks of gestation, according to the term fixed by its laws.

In Mexico, there is a special situation. Each of its states has its own legislation. The free conditional abortion, up to the 12th week of pregnancy, can only be practiced in Mexico City. At the national level, the practice is not punishable in case of rape, because of the danger to the mother and the impossibility of the fetus according to the district.

Abortion in Latin America. Credit: AFP
Abortion in Latin America. Credit: AFP

The most severe criminal codes are those of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Haiti.. In all these countries, abortion is prohibited without exception. In the case of El Salvador, for example, it is considered that they have the most stringent legislation in the world regarding termination of pregnancy.

In the rest of Latin America, the nuances vary by location. In Paraguay, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru and Ecuador, the only cause is when the life or health of the pregnant woman is in danger.

Other countries include in their legislation the variables of violation and inviolability of the fetus, as is the case of Panama, Brazil and Chile. Colombia, which is also part of this group, also includes incest.

In Argentina, the project of legalization of abortion will be presented for the eighth time. Credit: AP
In Argentina, the project of legalization of abortion will be presented for the eighth time. Credit: AP

In Argentina, abortion is considered non-punishable in case of rape and when the health of the mother is in danger. These causes they have been provided for by the penal code since 1921.

However, the Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion will attempt, for the eighth time, to approve the plan for the legal termination of pregnancy by Congress. Last year, the document that supports legal abortion until the 14th week of gestation has received historic approval in the Chamber of Deputies. Although by a difference of less than 10 votes was rejected in the Senate.

In this new presentation, the text contains some modifications. For example, it was removed from the causes of the IVE system outside this period the infeasibility of the extrauterine life of the fetus.

In the same line, does not include conscientious objection health professionals and requirements the implementation of the law on comprehensive bad education."The content of abortion programs should be taught as a right of women and pregnant women, through graphic, secular, reliable, up-to-date content and a gender perspective that can empower them," he said. -he declares.


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