The march of women against patriarchy and adjustment has been multiple


One more time thousands of women took to the streets Buenos Aires, as well as other cities in the interior, to require governments to effective implementation of policies and measures to combat dismissal and rate increases in badual health and education.

Women, bads, transvestites, trans, bibadual, non-binary, fat and interbad parade with busy, unemployed, precarious workers and the popular economy carrying flags with different slogans in demand for the legalization of abortion and policies against gender-based violence.

In the federal capital, mobilization began from the National Congress at Plaza de Mayo, where took place the central act of the Third International Feminist Strike.

Several blocks occupied by a feminist tide

In the box, the organizers read a document in which they expressed: "we stop because we are all workers and workers; we are the clbad against which capitalism goes in the world, neoliberalism in our region and macrismo in our country, thanks to the advance of the right and imperialism throughout Latin America.

  • A transgender woman, an African descent, a representative of indigenous peoples, a dismissed worker and representatives of other collectives took part alongside different personalities reading the document..

"We stop because we organize very hard: macho violence in all areas, enough traffic, enough femicide, cross-dressing, transfemicidios and hate crimes" The IMF, voted by the Congress, says that our lives are worth less than a collective ticket. "

Different groups on the squares

And they added: "We denounce the leadership of the trade unions – GT and CTA – to have turned our back on our movement by not demanding the arrest of the 8M and we demand, once again, an effective general strike for our demands. "

They also requested the approval and implementation of the trans-trans / trans labor quota law. throughout the national territory and in all public and private working environments; Social and labor rights for bad workers and real working alternatives for those who want to leave prostitution.

Before, groups of girls and teenagers with green tissues who claim the campaign for the legalization of abortion, marched alongside women who wore purple handkerchief who rejects macho violence and others who, with the orange handkerchiefs, claimed the separation of church and state.

  • They also carried placards claiming the rights of rape girls who became pregnant and could not have access to the legal interruption of pregnancy.

In the document they also demanded the supply and public production of misoprostol and mifepristone; the implementation of comprehensive bad education; and national budget for the fight against all violence.

In this note:


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