The marginal 2: all the roughness and barbarity on the spit, in the first episode


Claudio Rissi is Mario Borges, a newcomer to San Onofre

The Marginal II is a second season that paradoxically does not continue to tell what happened in the first but shows what's going on. went to San Onofre prison. The first season ended with the mutiny in this prison and a huge fire that seemed to leave nothing else to tell. However, the way in which the pbadage of this story is resolved to the prequel that will be developed in the second season is very ingenious. Without advancing the details of the story, for those who have not yet seen the first episode, we can say that in a short sequence with which the chapter begins the release of Pastor, the character who played

Juan Minujín
the arrival of Patricio, who plays

Esteban Lamothe
and throughout this pbadage solves another problem involving a character who won a lot of fans in the first part and who was very angry with what apparently showed the end.

Immediately the story goes back to three years and tells the story of how the brothers Borges (Claudio Rissi and

Nicolás Furtado
) prisoners in autumn and their arrival at San Onofre. At that time, although in the underworld they are respected, they are nothing in prison and who manages it is "El Sapo" (Roly Serrano), a character with enormous power and cruelty, who will face. Beside the Borges comes Patricio (Lamothe) who is perceived as a completely foreign person to this environment, in a constant defense attitude because of the fear of what he has to face, that he does not have to be in the same position. has no idea what it will be.

The first episode deals very well with the need to present the characters that are embedded and, as we said earlier, the pbadage between the first and the second part, without neglecting the action and the suspense to catch the public. The chapter multiplies the levels of violence that showed the first part, but the balance with an aesthetic, in all that surrounds "El Sapo", which mixes the unpleasant with a grotesque humor that dilutes the barbaric situations in a impression of unreality

What each character's chapter has shown and the stories that involve them do not allow us to extrapolate too much on the future of the remaining seven chapters. Some characters like Antín (

Gerardo Romano
), the director of the prison, or Ema (

Martina Gusmán
) the social worker, who saw the first part already knows what role they play, although this prequel will allow to know them in more detail. Others like Rita (

Verónica Llinás
) arouse an interest in knowing them. The artistic quality, both in the interpretation and in the work of the objects promise, according to what has been seen in the episode aired, a very attractive proposal.

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