"The marginal 2": speaks Borges, the owners of the pavilion – 22/07/2018


What I'm saying very clearly is that I never want to go to jail, "says Claudio Rissi. With fiction, he reaches it and the actor is enough to see the fierce experience behind bars. His character, Mario Borges in The marginal 2 on the contrary, moves like a fish in the water in this underworld of sordidness. Nicolás Furtado listens attentively and accepts. Who puts the body to Diosito, the younger brother of the Borges in the fiction produced by Underground, is light years away from the terrible Unitarian delinquent. The second season of history which is happening on Tuesdays at 10 pm on public television ( can also be seen on Cont.AR and on Netflix the first season), devastated the note on its debut Tuesday. And he showed more violence and cruelty than in the first, already transformed into a cult series in Argentina and the other countries where it was published. 9.6 points was the average score from his debut on July 17th. The figure set a record for an Argentine fiction on Channel 7 .

  Rissi and Furtado, two actors who had a lot of success in his debut on Tuesday 17. The first chapter of the series is now available on Cont.ar

Rissi and Furtado, two actors who had a huge success in debut, on Tuesday 17. The first chapter of the series is already available in Cont.ar

– Lately, the public seems to be leaning over for stories without much drama, perhaps to escape the harsh reality. Why do you think it works so well "The marginal" despite the crudeness that shows?

Rissi: It's interesting because the series is great. These eight chapters are stronger than the 13 of the first season. I think that there is some curiosity to know what this prison world looks like. Maybe the attraction is to sneak something inaccessible. It seems like this draws attention to all the myths that exist around.

  As soon as they arrive in San Onofre, Mario and his younger brother have to get comfortable on the patio. They will soon become leaders and will reach the VIP sector

Upon their arrival in San Onofre, Mario and his younger brother must settle in the yard. They will soon become leaders and go to the VIP sector

– Is it morbid that some taboos are waking up?

Rissi: Maybe. Topics such as homobaduality and violence are discussed, but the sordidness that reigns there. The first time I entered the prison, I felt desolation and despair penetrate the walls. There is a grave smell that has more to do with adrenaline than with urine and moisture. Never is reality as sweet as fiction, I imagine that there must be worse in real prisons than what we show in fiction but we are going as far as we can.

  Released in 2016, "The Marginal" won Martín Fierro from last year. In this second season he came back to bet on the big display of production.

Released in 2016, "El Marginal" won the Martín Fierro last year. In this second season he went back to betting on the big display of the production.

Furtado: But he also has touches of humor to give a bit of air because otherwise it would be unbreathable. The best thing about the series is that it is police, dramatic, psychological and allows a sense of humor.

-More than his job, what made these characters so dark and violent? ] Rissi: For me, to act is to play, always. I discovered it at a very young age. As a teenager, my parents said to me, "Stop pounding, you're tall." But I remember that once sitting in the bathroom, I was 16 or 17, I imagined a poetry, and since I was alone at home, I stayed that way for a long time. The tendons fell asleep and I had already overcome the tingling sensation. I did not feel my legs. And I continued to improvise a guy who was crawling for help, almost naked. I dropped and recorded what could happen to someone who did not have his legs. Now I do not need to do these things but you have the record in the body. Like when you are a teenager and you suffer for love and you go to the mirror to see you cry. You take a recording. The actor keeps this playful part, you lose some fear of ridicule. In the case of Mario, my character, is a criminal who is in prison. I do not have to think about what is an inmate. The guy is the same inside as on the outside, only inside there are some codes and he sees how he fits with this that he brings. This is an area in which you play your life at all times; you must be vigilant even when you sleep. I compose the one who was outside and now he is imprisoned. To avoid the cliché. Borges has everything: he is a father, a delinquent by vocation, he is relaxed, he enjoys himself.

  The new and the old. "El Doc", by Esteban Lamothe, added to the story in which the beloved Diosito is now the protagonist.

The new and the old. "El Doc", by Esteban Lamothe, added to the story in which the beloved Diosito is now the protagonist.

Furtado: In my case, before the first season, I spent a night sleeping in the street and prosthetic teeth m 'helped a lot to put me in the shoes of Diosito. In this second season, I was very attentive to what I was going to get because we were going back in time yet he is a little more naive. It's a guy who acts by pure impulse. He also has a humorous quota that separates him from the cliché of the bad. He has a tender side, it's a pure heart at one point. In prison, it becomes more sinister and dangerous. Diosito has marked my career, my life. It's a hinge that will allow me to make the career I want to do.

  One of the new characters is "El Sapo", masterfully played by Roly Serrano. He is the rival of Borges

One of the new characters is "El Sapo", masterfully played by Roly Serrano. He is the rival of Borges

-Alla, Claudio, catches you in another moment of your career

Rissi: Borges I know more than writers because they think of all characters. and I focus on one. I lived with him all day, I searched him. It's called Borges Luis Ortega and at first I thought it was bading. It's a wink of irreverent eye. The acidic humor is what makes the character attractive, he humanizes it. I found it, phrases like "When God created the light, I already had two bills" that are consistent with his arrogance. Otherwise, he would be a bad guy all the time, like playing a single rope. It would be boring for me and the public. This character has a lot of permits, transits all emotional stages in an unpredictable way. You know where you want to go but you do not know how. I love Borges; with him, I can do anything that can not be done in life. Because we all make candies, but there are evils that we hide and with Mario, I allow myself to extirpate them

prisoners, and also with regard to the authority.

Rissi: Yes, but that's what we all do all the time almost without knowing it. What is happening is that this prison is such an extreme world that it becomes extremely obvious. But the struggle for power is also in a couple, for example, evil that weighs on us, disguised as other things. -The relationship between the brothers is the key to the story: so different and united at the same time, almost as father and son, how did they put together?

Furtado: This is a beautiful link. We listen a lot. Claudio was very generous and Juan Minujín too, they gave me the space to build this little monster

Rissi: We listened a lot. At this height of life, I found in him a male brother. And we planned to play together. It's nice to be part of a team with whom we played for a while, props to the producer, always pulling the same side, easier to work in depth

Furtado: We are happy that the project is going well. Every Friday night after spending the week recording in jail, we would change and go back to jail for a barbecue together.


Three years ago: Lamothe por Minujín

[19659030] In the 13 episodes of the first season of marginal El, aired in 2016, one of the protagonists was Juan Minujín. His character, Pastor, is a former policeman who entered with a false identity, as a convict at San Onofre Prison. The motive was to infiltrate inside a mixed band of prisoners and jailers operating inside the penitentiary

This second season, with 8 chapters, is in fact a prequel, since the plot goes back three years to tell how the arrival in prison brothers Mario and Diosito Borges (Claudio Rissi and Nicolás Furtado). In the first, they managed the reins of San Onofre prison. Now, new characters appear like Patricio el Doc (Esteban Lamothe) who is imprisoned for a crime that he did not commit, and Sapo Quiroga (Roly Serrano), a sinister and cruel being who holds the power among the detainees. Verónica Llinás, the social worker who is about to leave her place in the hands of Emma (Martina Gusman), has arrived recently.

Emma and Antín, the corrupt director of the prison (Gerardo Romano), Morcilla (Carlos Portaluppi), Caesar (Abel Ayala) and Pedro (Brian Buley), among others, were already in the first season and are still present In this one.

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