The Marginal 2: What is the premiere of the most anticipated prequel about – 17/07/2018


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Fans of the National Production Prison Series no longer have to wait: tonight the first Marginal 2 at 22 (Argentina time) by Public TV. Co-produced by Underground, the story was evoked as a prequel to the first installment, that is to say that the time will go back to 3 years, upon arrival at the Borges brothers' prison , Diosito and Mario.

After leaving the first season, the director decided to explain many things that happened, to dive deeper into each of the characters and tell their stories. What is "El Motín de las Palomas"?

  El Marginal 2. Rodrigo Noya will be one of the new figures that is incorporated (Archivo Clarín)

El Marginal 2. Rodrigo Noya will be one of the new figures that will be incorporated (File Clarín)

In addition to the usual burden of violence and tension that characterizes the series, appear in this edition of new faces that will probably have to speak.

In the prison of Antín (Gerardo Romano), there is a new official: the "Sapo" Quiroga (Roly Serrano), a violent, vengeful and vengeful criminal, who will not miss the opportunity to torture anyone who makes fun of their obesity. The Borges brothers, newcomers, will take care to give this despotic prisoner.

  Rolly Serrano will perform "El Sapo" (Clarin Archives)

Rolly Serrano will perform "El Sapo" (Clarin Archive)

] In the midst of the power struggle, appears a prisoner who will be crucial in l 39; history: the Patricio (Esteban Lamothe). His character is that of a doctor who had never been arrested before, and who is accused of murder to protect the woman he loves, the future mother of his son. In appearance, he is the most silent character, but he will be the key player in the war between Borges and El Sapo for control of the prison.

Another novelty is Rodrigo Noya. The old "enlarged" folds into this series of gangs with an unusual character: he will be one of the founders of Sub 21 or The Villa, sort of improvised pavilion of tumbero

  Nicolás Furtado is "Diosito Borges ", one of the most popular characters in the series. (Instagram)

Nicolás Furtado is "Diosito Borges", one of the most popular characters in the series. (Instagram)

Still, the eye will remain in "Diosito", one of the characters that had the most impact in the first part, due to the credible characterization of Nicolas Furtado. Now, more details of his personality will be announced, which was when "he was no one" in San Onofre prison.

"There are answers to the network of corruption and power that the Borges establish, which is seen reflected in the first season, and the way of Diosito is embodied in the character we all know," said the producer of the series, Pablo Cullel.

This second part will have 8 chapters, which will be broadcast every Tuesday by Public Television. As it happened with the first season, the series will then go to Netflix

Trailer of the new season

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