The Marriage Equality Act celebrates nine years


The dawn of July 15, 2010Argentina became the first country in Latin America to adopt the Equal Marriage Act. Nine years after this cold dawn in which the country has marked the history of the region and the world, more than 20,000 couples went through the civil registry to give the yes.

With the approval of the law, Argentina was one of the first ten countries in the world to recognize the full right of the LGBTI population and allowed that from these marriages, Families with the same rights and obligations and conditions as heterobadual families, including adoptive families, will be formed.

We are the first country in Latin America to legally guarantee the right to marry between people of the same bad. We celebrate the equal rights of all, nine years of equal marriage law!

– Arg LGBT Federation (@FALGBT) July 15, 2019

In Article 2, the Civil Marriage Act 26 268 – which is its official name – states that "the marriage shall have the same conditions and the same effects, whether the parties are of the same bad or of a different bad". Nine years after its sanction, according to data provided by different social organizations of the gay community, about 20,000 couples were married in the country.

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The law is the result of years of work and various motorized campaigns of Argentine LGBT organizations. The first precedent dates from 2002, when the legislature of the city of Buenos Aires enacted a law establishing civil unions for same-bad couples, thus becoming the first city in Latin America to do so. The law has been reproduced in the cities of Rio Negro, Villa Carlos Paz, Rio Cuarto and Villa María. But while certain guaranteed marriage rights, such as membership in social work or hospital visits, do not include the right of adoption or inheritance.

Finally, in May 2010, the Chamber of Deputies approved a package of two bills to amend the Civil Code to allow same-bad marriage. Two months later, on July 15 of this year, the norm was sanctioned with 33 votes in favor and 27 against, after a historic session of the Senate.



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