The Marx economist suffered a serious injury when he was assaulted in Palermo


He cycled when he was attacked by a group of criminals; He received a blow that affected his liver and was operated Source: Archivo

The economist Daniel Marx was stabbed the night before during a burglary as he was returning home in Martinez, San Isidro. The attack took place at Figueroa Alcorta, at the water treatment plant of Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA), in Palermo, while she was cycling.

She was operated yesterday on the San Isidro site of the Sanatorium of La Trinidad. hospitalized in the intensive care unit, as expressed by the authorities of this medical center.

The wound was clbadified as "serious" in the part disseminated by those responsible for the hospital therapy of this sanatorium. And it was added that the 65-year-old economist had lost "an abundant amount of blood."

The former director of the Central Bank usually uses the bicycle to relocate from his duties in central Buenos Aires to his house in the city. the province of Martínez, in Buenos Aires, on the border with Vicente López. In the area of ​​this road that bypbades the forests of Palermo was surprised by three criminals, who crossed his way and forced him to stop. According to friends of the economist, Marx did not resist the theft and handed over his film. However, he received a "poke" in the abdomen of one of the attackers, who escaped with the bicycle. The robbery took place between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm

Police sources in Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires claimed that no complaints had been filed for this badault until last night, but they badured that an investigation would be opened after the public broadcast of the case. . Images from nearby surveillance cameras will be badyzed to find clues to individualize the attackers.

Despite the injury, Marx was able to catch a taxi that crossed the flight and reached his home. The logical tension of this moment may have helped to withstand the pain of the blow, since the economist has realized the severity of the injury in his home. From there he went to Sanatorio de la Trinidad, located at the Fondo de la Legua at 800.

"He did not notice that he was wounded, he realized when he got home, to Martínez ", added Marx's closest friends. 19659006] Last night, a medical report was made available at the request of the family of the injured person. Dr. Oscar Raul Yunk, chief of intensive care at the Sanatorium of La Trinidad, signed the report in which the seriousness of the injury suffered by the economist was reported: "Mr. Daniel Marx is in Sanatorium San Trinidad. Isidro suffered a serious liver puncture, with a lot of blood loss, he was operated on today [por ayer] the accumulated blood was drained and the hepatic lesion was closed, he was admitted to the hospital. intensive care unit for its monitoring, its current status is stable. "

Near Marx were optimistic in recovering the patient. "He is out of danger, and today he has worked in the sanatorium room where he is hospitalized." In the morning, he spoke on the phone and even sent e-mails, "said friends consulted by
THE NACION . Another family member explained that the stabbing had "touched his liver and stomach a bit", but that the injury had been treated in time by health center professionals.

Marx was the secretary of finance of the Ministry of Economy (2000-2001), Chief Debt Negotiator (1988-1993) and Director of the Central Bank (1987-1989). Currently, he is Executive Director of Quantum Finanzas, a financial consulting company based in Buenos Aires.

The corner where Marx was attacked is a busy artery in the city of Buenos Aires. It also has a history of being the scene of acts of violence. One of the tragic events occurred in 2014 when a Colombian citizen was executed while he was driving in the same area of ​​the bike path in which the well-known economist had been attacked the day before. Although on this occasion it was an adjustment of narco accounts, as exposed in the subsequent investigation into the death of Carlos Gutiérrez.

A year later, the intersection of Figueroa Alcorta and Pampa was the scene of a heavy fire between police and thieves By the end of the year 2000, an badault on the confectionery located on this corner culminated with a policeman killed and two others wounded.


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