The mayor of Cali declares this Monday, May 3, civic day, calls for a “march for life” and raises his beak and his plaque


The mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, calls on President Iván Duque to withdraw the tax reform.  Photo: Office of the Mayor of Cali.
The mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, calls on President Iván Duque to withdraw the tax reform. Photo: Office of the Mayor of Cali.

This May 2, the mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, declared May 3 civic day, called for a citizen mobilization and invited the population of Cali to carry out a day of cleaning and restoration of the property affected by the protests. against tax reform.

Tomorrow I am about to roam the city from east to west as we are ready to mobilize our economy again. We will mobilize with the intention of recovering everything. I want to invite everyone to mobilize and overcome all possible obstacles so that our city finds its “ new normal ”“.

Likewise, the measurement of peak and plateau in the city has been increased indefinitely for private vehicles and taxis.

“Because we need Cali to stand up for life, starting tomorrow and indefinitely, we will not have license plates and license plates for individuals and taxis. We need people to go to their jobs, ”said William Vallejo, mobility secretary for the capital Valle del Cauca.

Mayor Ospina said a commission will be created to clarify what happened and investigate the murders of several citizens during the protests in recent days. This commission will be made up of the church, the attorney general’s office, the ombudsman’s office, human rights organizations, academia, trade unions and others, to establish what is needed. has passed.

We need to clarify all the events that have happened in Cali in the past four days. We need to know in detail how and why these deaths occurred.

Likewise, he said the city was still on red alert in hospital due to covid-19. In addition, a commission will also be created to establish information on the deterioration of the infrastructures of the city, the MIO, the private sector, as well as the “non mobilization of the productive apparatus and the shortages”.

Despite the events of vandalism and violence, citizens continue to exercise their right to demonstrate and, along the way, many of them have been raped by the police, especially women and young people.

By a declaration, the organizations of the Cali Women’s Social Movement launched an international appeal to show what is happening in the capital of the Valley in the face of police abuse.

“We denounce that on April 28, 29 and 30, the Cali police deliberately used force. The Cali police fired indiscriminately against the defenseless population, murdering minors, adolescents and young people. Hundreds of women and men are injured, confused and injured, many of them incapacitated for life due to attacks on their integrity >>, indicates the text which also states that during the three days of demonstrations, there were at least 14 dead and 30 people missing.

Infobae Colombia spoke specifically with a leader of this women’s movement, Norma Lucía Bermúdez, who recounted grim details of the actions of some men in uniform against the civilian population, especially against the Caleñas.

Police brutality against women has never been seen like today. The ingredient besides being the stick are the bullets, there are girls killed, the women who are detained are subjected to physical and sexual assault. There are threats that they are going to be raped and they touch them, they tell them: “now we are going to rape her”, and that the whole channel is going to mistreat her “, denounced Bermúdez.

He also said that there are police officers who shoot indiscriminately, “Today there were more deaths, there are 7 and 8 dead, there are an impressive number of gunshot wounds, in reports that 15 people arrived with photos showing their injuries, including several minor. “

“I think there is an environment loaded with these people influencing from their social networks. Here, the right is to protest, murder is not a right, the public force does not have the right to kill. From the speech delegitimizing the protests of the Ministry of Defense, all this created this climate of fascism, to see that the enemy is the one who protests. I think there is a distorted view of what human rights are ”, Norma Lucía Bermúdez.

The leader recommended that women and young people who plan to continue protesting to go out in groups, to have at hand the number of human rights organizations, the Personería and that, “When police brutality happens we have to retreat, it is very important to be in the streets today, to pan, but we cannot sacrifice the youth, it hurts our souls”.


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