The Mercosur Meat Forum has convened to advance the distribution of the quota to the EU


The farming and meat industries that make up the Mercosur Meat Forum They had their first meeting this Thursday in La Rural. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the participation of each country in the quota of 99,000 tonnes awarded by the European Union (EU) to the South American bloc in the agreement reached.

The parties have submitted their proposals although for the moment they did not get a consensus, indicated at Telam uA source who participated in the event and stressed that "the negotiation between the private parties will continue in September in Montevideo".

"It came to something like an intermediate room, all the proposals were presented on the table and Uruguay will continue to negotiate"indicates the source consulted.

In this sense, he said that Paraguay and Uruguay had requested that the 99,000-tonne quota be allocated equally (25 per cent per country), while Brazil maintained its position of concentrating 40 per cent quota and Argentina at 30%, on the basis of in that they have larger detours and larger exports. "We must try to reach an agreement, but not to do it, we will not fightbut they will have to repair governments, "he said.

The Brazilian Association of Meat Exporting Industries (Abiec) participated in the meeting; the Association of Refrigeration Industry of Uruguay (Adifu); the Rural Association of Paraguay (ARP); the Rural Association of Uruguay (ARU); the Chamber of the Cold Industry of Uruguay (CIF); the Paraguayan Chamber of Meat (CPC); the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA); Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA); the consortium of Argentine meat exporters (ABC); the Rural Federation of Uruguay (FR); the Argentine Rural Society (SRA); and the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB).


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