The Merval added another 2.8% drop, with almost all papers in red


The Merval added a further decline, this time by 2.8%, in a wheel in which almost all of the main panel's shares closed in red and in which the greatest pressure came from the hands of energy companies and banks.

On the international market, the downward trend predominates, given the generalized moodiness over the likely consequences of a "trade war" between the major powers

After a slight recovery in Afternoon, Merval closes at 25.298. 04 points (-2.8%), after touching a floor of 25 145,16 units in the first cases.

Of all the shares of the main panel, the only ones that closed were Comercial del Plata (+ 6.25%) and Grupo Supervielle (+ 3.49%). On the other hand, the most pronounced declines were recorded Holcim (- 14.26%), Distributor of Gas Cuyana (-8,19%), ] Grupo Financiero Valo (- 7.49%), Mirgor (-7.34%), Agrometallic (-7.09%), and Banco Francés (-7.04%)

From today, the index will be composed of 24 company four by compared to the previous composition.

The new grid of the Merval was formed by the financial group Galicia, Petrobras Brasil, Puerto Central, Pampa Energía, BYMA, Grupo Valores, YPF, Banco Macro, Transener, Ternium, Cablevisión, Supervielle, Metrogas, Southern Gas Carrier, Tenaris, Aluar, Eden, Plata Trade, Northern Gas Carrier, Cresud, Loma Negra, Telecommunications, Cuyana and Mirgor Gas Distributor.

On Friday, the Argentine stock market fell 2.91% and accumulated a decline of 8.94% in June .

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