The Merval runs almost stable, in line with the external weakness


The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange pulls back Wednesday sales due to the weakness of regional markets, led by Wall Street facing new fears of a US trade war.

The Merval Index of Markets and Stock Exchanges of Argentina (BYMA) Loses 0.1% to 27,451.51 Units

Wall Street has held back a series of four-session wins after the United States has threatened to impose duties on Chinese products for $ 200 billion more. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.53%

It should be remembered that the US Government announced Tuesday that it has begun to define a [1949milliardsdedollars] value list of Chinese products to which [19659002] The world's two largest economies are plunged into a harsh controversy that threatens to unbalance international trade, and Washington has made it clear that it did not want to take the first step.

Office of the US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, the final list of goods to impose tariffs must be ready within two months. From that moment, President Donald Trump will be able to order the application of tariffs.

Meanwhile, yesterday, after a departure with a significant rise, the Merval was flat and finally won only a slight 0.1% to close at 27,635.21 units, under pressure by the decline of the dollar, in a wheel with limited business.

Also called attention the very small amount operated on private papers, which reached such a sun ] or 442 million dollars.


In the fixed income segment, on the other hand, major dollar bonds (quoted in pesos) fell sharply on Tuesday due to another sharp decline in the currency. American market

In this context, Bonar 2024 decreased by 2.2%; the 2020 Bonar, 2.1%; the reduction under Argentine law sank 2.9%; Argentina 2037, 2%; and the 100 year bond has collapsed by 3.3%.

For its part, the country risk, which measures the JP. Morgan was up four units at 569 basis points.

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