The message has arrived | What does the triumph of the opposition mean


Macri recognized "a bad choice" without giving figures, without explaining why, he did not talk to the Argentineans, but to the small group that was in his bunker. And then he sent them to sleep. But the sound of a spectacular defeat was in the air. It's in the air. It should have been an election that defined almost nothing. But the intense expectations that have rocked the country have made it a litmus test for the government.

You can not rule against the people. You can not rule as if the people did not exist. This can not be done, despite the support of major media companies and concentrated capital. The popular will could defeat this immense power, this marvelous machine that has turned Argentina into a society of hatred and selfishness. A society that sent the most vulnerable live on the street and then accused them of being fake, activists and activists paid by the opposition to become an anonymous and frozen corpse in a city street the richer country.

The unimportant, meaningless vote of these STEPs, which resembled an overreaction of Republicans, was suddenly loud, apathetic, filled with valuable meanings, as if politics were getting lost at Smartmatic, Cambridge Analytica, the trolls Marcos Peña and the false news of "great Argentine journalists".

Many factors intervene. Many will say that people voted for the pocket. Surely. And others will say that this is the result of the strategy of union and a broad appeal to Peronism in the opposition. Surely. And in this strategy appear the characters of the two main protagonists, those who gave the kickoff: Cristina and Alberto Fernández.

But the most important thing is that this message arrived, was heard, elaborated and appropriated by the people who spoke in this vote, saying that it would be a thing carried away and that it is now a lesson for the history of politics. The message has arrived. It is the one that some claim and the one that many want to hear. From this relationship that defines communication as politics and politics as communication stems from the best of people and the best of politics.

When Macri asked to go to sleep, many went to celebrate. It is the planet that Macri could not understand, which is foreign to him as an experience of life. This is not part of his sensitivity and his policy has shown that this universe that was meant to celebrate, when it was part of his reflections, was to find a way to bend it, to subtract the tools with which he Build your rights, weaken your organization, deceive your dignity and awareness of your rights.

Those who went to celebrate this vote did so because they wanted to ban the ideology of "they made a worker believe that with his salary he could go on vacation or buy a phone "the cynicism of turning rights into a lie. It is celebrated that this sentence that condemns the workers to an unworthy life falls into the story, that it is torn from perverse common sense that the official media has installed.

This is in the content of this vote. Like the phrase told the king of Spain about "anguish" felt by the heroes when they declared independence. This resonates, one can hear in these numbers blunted despite the fall of Smartmatic. In this number of critical votes, the shame felt by the Argentineans when they hear the president say that it echoes.

Macri loses his governance. If Fernando de la Rúa was to go by helicopter before the end of his term, Macri will be one of the few who have not been able to reelect him even if he wishes. And the defeat of Macri is grappling with the enormous responsibility of the radical dome that supported De la Rúa, then embraced this retrograde experience that will leave the country in a situation even more serious than that left by De la Rúa.

The celebrations were heard until the Rio Grande. The arrival of the macro project has proved to be an exemplary model against populism. He was the hero of the first Davos summit he attended. But they caressed his back and never invested a single weight in the production. Macri's friends came to speculate and borrow, advised the Monetary Fund to borrow the country up to the lashes to control any act of rebellion against neoliberal policies of looting and dependence.

And the Fund broke all its rules by giving 62% of its lending capacity to only one country, which also did not receive Parliament's approval. An illegal debt whose purpose was to support the campaign for the re-election of Macri or, failing that, to condition the government to succeed.

These ideas have been heard and written in the official media as if it were an incontrovertible logic, as if it were an axiom, a biblical law or a rule of nature, described a conservative retrograde macrism, quite right. In essence, it is not so far from Bolsonaro.

But the law is at stake and the different factors of economic power apply. No one is surprised. The big news was the vote that supported them. A company that has turned out to be the flock that heads to the slaughterhouse.

The answer also had to come from the vote, otherwise democracy would have weakened. If the vote could be manipulated by the false news of the media, supported by judicial officials and intelligence services, democracy began to lose its meaning.

He had to come from the vote. And despite the fabulous numbing and lying mental machines, the people received the message, picked it up, and made an expression of it during the vote. And democracy has become hope again.


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