The message of the Argentine state after the earthquake of …


Shortly after the news broke earthquake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter scale shook it Antarctic On Saturday evening, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Argentina (EMCO) issued a statement in which they reported that put the navy and the air force on alert as a preventive measure. At the same time, they indicated that, at the moment, there were no reports of damage caused by the national bases of this continent.

Through social networks, the military authorities indicated that “the Antarctic Joint Command is still without news in terms of personnel and equipment” installed in the Argentinian installations, after the strong earthquake which occurred in the region.

“It is also reported that the Navy and the Air Force have been put on alert as a preventive measure in the event of new seismic movements,” they said on the agency’s official Twitter account.

In this sense, they stressed that “following the instructions and in coordination with EMCO, the Air Force has made all its air resources available to help the Frei base in Chile in case of need”, as any other scientific headquarters. “It was affected by the recorded earthquake” recently.

Chile’s National Emergency Office (Onemi) explained that the earthquake took place on Saturday evening about 210 km from the Chilean base Eduardo Frei, which is located 1,230 kilometers south of the mainland on King George Island. It was 10 kilometers deep, so a few minutes later, the agency asked to “leave the beach of the Antarctic territory” in the face of the possible arrival of a tsunami.

However, soon after, Onemi clarified that the earthquake in the central area did not qualify for a tsunami. “The #SHOA (Marine Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service) completely cancels the Tsunami Precautionary State. For its part, the Enemy cancels the evacuation because of the tsunami in the coastal sectors of the Antarctic territory, ”writes the agency on its Twitter account.

After the event, 80 people were evacuated from Frei base, 40 from O’Higgins base, 10 from Fildes base and 31 from Prat base. The foreign bases located near the Fildes base were also expelled. For the time being, The authorities did not report any property damage or injuries resulting from the movements, although this raised an alarm among the population.

At the same time Another similar phenomenon occurred, although of magnitude 5.9, in the city of Santiago de Chile which was not related to the strong earthquake in Antarctica, but it has been felt in other places in the South American country and in parts of Argentina, such as in the city of Barreal, in San Juan, and in the capital of Mendoza, as well as in the department of Tunuyán, in this same Province.


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