The metro in Caracas is free … because there are no tickets


Metro service is free in Caracas, but this is not the result of any indicator of development or quality … The reason is a reflection on the great crisis that Venezuela is going through.

Tickets, a kind of small The yellow cards that were delivered by paying for the transport were exhausted and the state company was no longer able to import them, according to CiberCuba.

"The company has not yet bought the tickets because it has no resources for that," said Alberto Vivas, of the Metro Family Civil Association, which groups former employees of the system .

In addition, the shortage of money makes a subsidized rate impossible, which has been maintained without increases for years and that "hyperinflation" has already devoured.

Box office after ticketing you can read the caption of: "Closed". There is no staff to collect the tickets; the migration affected so that two years ago, the company suspended the treatment of resignations of its staff to try to stop the exodus of workers.

In the subway, pbadengers pile up dirty cars after waiting thirty minutes on the platform.

The state on the lines is not the best and the lack of trains goes up to 50 percent. After a millionaire repair remained unfinished, the service did not improve.

Familia Metro explained that 13 new trains acquired were not functioning due to failures. This company provides spare parts to another fleet of 48 convoys purchased from a Spanish company through a contract signed in 2008, which included the upgrading of the system for $ 850 million and which is subject several allegations of illegalities.

Frequent faults cause the eviction of pbadengers in the middle of roads and tunnels.

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