The Mexican church that emerged from the water after 40 years


Photo: EFE / Luis Ramírez
Photo: EFE / Luis Ramírez

Decrease in water in the dam The purest in the municipality of Irapuato, from the state of Guanajuato, exposed the former Church of the Virgen de los Dolores, which was built in the middle of the 19th century. This temple, as well as the community of El Zangarro, were buried in 1979 after the construction of the dam.

Photo: Municipal Tourism of Irapuato
Photo: Municipal Tourism of Irapuato

The then president, José Lopez Portillo, gave the order to build The purest after Irapuato flooded after the overflow of the dam The rabbit August 8, 1973. The new dam was built to prevent future flooding, however, 1,200 hectares were submerged under water.

Carmen Romano and José López Portillo, the Mexican presidential couple from 1976 to 1982 (Photo: LopezPortillo)
Carmen Romano and José López Portillo, the Mexican presidential couple from 1976 to 1982 (Photo: LopezPortillo)

“Today, it is quite well preserved, and this can be seen by the decrease in the water of the dam due to the lack of rain in recent years, the landscape that this ruin keeps is very beautiful, many birds are flying, they people are prowling in the boats and the view is magnificent from Cerro del Sombrero ”, commented the director of the municipal archives, Sweet Vazquez Daily Millennium.

The community that lived El Zangarro, was mobilized near the edge of the new dam, a place they called by the same name as their old home.

“Oral history says that it was very difficult for them to leave the place, not only because of the buildings, but because of the feeling of belonging to the place… Some resisted until they saw that it was was already a reality that water would arrive. to cover the whole city, ”explained Dulce Vázquez.

Currently, the level of the dam The purest it is at 50% of its capacity. Others of the most important dams in the state, such as Ignacio Allende Yes The Yuriria are in critical condition due to low rains and high temperatures, both have 15% of their capacity, 2% less than last year.

Photo: Tripadvisor
Photo: Tripadvisor

“We have around 400,000 inhabitants in this risk situation, what does that mean? that the volume of water supplied to them has considerably decreased, so we must generate an endowment equal to that of their vital needs ”, he declared Fernando García León, Director of the National Water Commission of Guanajuato (CEAG).

According to CEAG data, the period from April to May of this year, the drought was 25% more than in previous years, however, the rainy season of June and July is expected to be more intense. than those of 2020.


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