The Ministry of Defense announces the measures and the huge security deployment for July 20


Photo bank.  Colombian soldiers march in a military parade to commemorate the 208th anniversary of Colombia's independence in Bogotá, Colombia on July 20, 2018. REUTERS / Carlos Julio Martínez
Photo bank. Colombian soldiers march in a military parade to commemorate the 208th anniversary of Colombia’s independence in Bogotá, Colombia on July 20, 2018. REUTERS / Carlos Julio Martínez

Este sábado el ministro de Defensa, Diego Molano, anunció las medidas que se tomarán durante el 20 de julio, fecha en la que se commemora la Independencia de Colombia, con el fin de Garantizar la seguridad y el orden público en la capital y el resto from the country.

After culminating the Security Council with the Ministry of the Interior, the City Hall of Bogotá and the Directorate of Military Forces, the head of the portfolio announced the strategies and actions that will be carried out during this day, during which social protests were called against the government of Iván Duque, and the following weeks.

Our public force and especially our Police will be ready to accompany the peaceful demonstrations that will take place both in Bogotá, in other municipalities of Cundinamarca and at the national level.. Likewise, the accompaniment of 6,196 members of the police force and 2,784 army uniforms was organized, ”said Diego Molano.

In this sense, he indicated that through these devices, we seek to guarantee coexistence and security, as well as to prevent any act of vandalism or violence planned in the capital and the rest of the country, which will be accompanied by 592 members of the National Army.

In turn, he explained that Strategic assets such as Transmilenio stations and portals will be protected, while providing support at Bogotá entrances and critical points, where the recurring clashes between demonstrators and members of the public force were presented, through the Shield Plan.

“I would like to point out that with the mayor of Bogotá, the Minister of the Interior and with the mayors of different municipalities, an agreement was reached on not to allow blockades, violence or permanent camps that affect the rights of the community, to work, to a healthy coexistence in any city and less in the capitalSaid the portfolio manager.

In this regard, he said that the police have devices to capture and pursue residents who attack the infrastructure of Transmilenio, private and public property, attack officials or obstruct roads, indicating that in recent days they have 588 people who committed some of these criminal acts have been captured.

Likewise, Diego Molano reiterated that a reward of 70 million pesos will be offered to citizens who will provide information allowing to individualize the individuals who intend to generate vandalism in Bogotá in order to pursue and prosecute them. prevent these criminal acts from being committed. .

A torn Colombian flag flies from the top of the Congress building in Plaza de Bolívar, on another day of protests that has drawn fewer citizens today in Bogotá, Colombia.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda
A torn Colombian flag flies from the top of the Congress building in Plaza de Bolívar, on a new day of protests that less appealed to citizens today, in Bogotá, Colombia. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

On the other hand, the Minister of Defense indicated that next Tuesday a military ceremony will be organized to commemorate the independence of Colombia which will be broadcast on television to avoid crowds and thus avoid new infections by covid-19.

Our public force will guarantee the celebration of the act of installation of the Congress of the Republic, as well as the development of other commemorative activities in the various capitals. departments of the country, ”concluded Diego Molano.


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