The Ministry of Health has authorized the vaccine against …


The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, this Sunday signed the resolution 688/2021 which authorizes the vaccine against SARS COV-2 in emergency, developed by Sinopharm in collaboration with the laboratory of the Beijing Institute of Biologics of the People’s Republic of China. In the coming days, a million doses will arrive in the country, as confirmed by the authorities of the Ministry of Health.

The measure was adopted after the National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Technologies (ANMAT) recommended to the National Health Portfolio to take the measure provided for by the Vaccines Act (27,573). In the Asian country, for its part, the authorization was given at the end of December: the laboratory reported that its vaccine had an effectiveness of 79%.

In its first article, Resolution 688 states: “The inactivated SARS vaccine COV-2 (vero cells), developed by the Laboratory of the Beijing Institute of Biologics of the People’s Republic of China, is authorized in under Articles 8 ° and 9 of Law N ° 27,573 and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Techniques ”.

This measure is part of the trade agreement that the national government has managed with the Chinese National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation for the acquisition of one million doses that will begin to arrive in our country in the coming days.

What is the Chinese vaccine against covid

It is an inactivated vaccine, which means that it carries a genetically modified version of the virus that prevents it from reproducing and developing disease, but which generates an immune response in the body with protective capacity.

The vaccine requires two doses to be given at least 21 days apart, and can be transported and stored between 2 and 8 degrees and remain stable for 24 months.

Phase I and II clinical trials, published in the medical journal The Lancet, has shown this vaccine to be safe and effective. Phase III trials were also carried out in the Argentina for the Fundación Hupedes in the Vacunar centers, with the participation of 3,000 volunteers.

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