The Ministry of Security warned Macri of the danger of commercial flights in Asia


The president will visit India, Vietnam and Singapore. Strong criticism of the portfolio led by Patricia Bullrich.

February 3, 2019

The Ministry of Security, led by Patricia Bullrich, warned of the risks faced by President Mauricio Macri during the tour that will take him to India, Vietnam and Singapore and will be carried out by commercial airlines.

In a document prepared by the Directorate of National Equipment and disseminated by La Nación, the portfolio lists a list of objections to the risks inherent in the entire operation for Macri, his family and his entourage.

"The absence of armed guard near the agent, the ignorance of pbadengers aboard the aircraft with the potential threat that this implies, the vulnerabilities to the controls of people and luggage to getting on the plane, the planes as well as the capsules of the vehicles of custodias ", are some of the arguments.

Macri is expected to arrive in India on February 17 to celebrate with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the 70th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations.


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