The mission team won the Robotics Cup and will travel to the Dubai World Cup



With his prototype called "Julito" The Misiones team got the highest score, out of 24 teams. In addition to the jackpot, they won a mention at the Great Robotics Cup for getting the most points per game.


The missionary group is made up of students Azul Silva from the Santa María – Posadas Institute, Alan Rodriguez from BOP 1 – Posadas, Cristian Silva and Juan Beltrán from EPET 25 – Campo Grande and Magali Duarte from EPT Father José Marx – Campo Viera, Anabella Montiel Private Institute Carlos Linneo of Oberá, Maytena Lorena Shwenberg López of the Private Institute Carlos Linneo – Oberá, Norberto Adrián Gómez of EPET 25 – Campo Grande, Tatiana Belén Figueredo de l'útice AFE San Arnoldo Janssen – Puerto Esperanza Wanda and Santiago Martín López del BOP 1- Inns.

There is also the technical animator Marcos Lugo who accompanies students during the process.


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