The moment a couple is registered having sex in a government building


They captured a video of a couple who had bad in the current seat of the Russian government.

A person was walking on a Moscow street during the night when he saw something that left him astonished and decided to film him. He recorded a couple during a badual intercourse inside the Casa Blaca de Rusia, currently the seat of government.

The recording that the citizen took on the street shows two people committing a badual act in one of the offices where the only light was on.

The White House of Russia was the parliamentary building in Moscow. Designed by architects Dmitri Chechulin and Pável Shteller, construction began in 1965 and was completed in 1981.

It is now the seat of the Government of the Russian Federation and the official residence of its president.

Papelón: they made love at the supermarket and they did not see the security camera … and of course … there is a video

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