The moment three Venezuelan soldiers attack a barricade, surrender their weapons and desert in Colombia


A series of videos posted on social networks shows the intense moment the uniforms jump from their armored vehicles, with those who have just hit the barricade, and run towards the Colombian coast.

(The three defectors give their weapons to the Colombian authorities – Twitter / @ JoseColinaP)

The event happened in a moment of extreme tension when dozens of Venezuelans have decided to cross the checkpoint to join Colombia as well, and that humanitarian aid should start moving in the opposite direction to that of Venezuela despite the Chavez blockade.

The border between Cúcuta, Colombia, and Táchira, Venezuela, It is usually a busy place for the thousands of Venezuelans who cross every day to get food, medicine and other necessities, a rare commodity in their country.

(Unarmed men advance to Cucuta – Twitter / @CamachoVzla)

Another video shows the three defectors who surrender their weaponsIncluding an anti-turret shotgun and its regulatory guns, to the Colombian authorities and submitting to their control.

Images have also been published Immediately after, three unarmed men advance towards Cúcuta. Some time later, they requested the help of Migración Colombia agency.

First reported on social networks when they occurred on Saturday morning, the desertions were then confirmed by Migración Colombia and Guaidó himself, stating that they would not be the last day.

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