The Monetary Markets, the object to be seduced for the success of today’s operation


However, in a period of inflation with few concretizations of long-term economic decisions (agreement with the IMF, Budget, doubts about the solidity of the government coalition), they are a drinking choice for investors of all levels; since they also build private portfolios according to the level of contribution of each shareholder. Llamados T + O, están altamente vinculadas con el dinero que se manejan dentro de las fintech (Mercado Pago, Uala, Balanz, son algunos de los numbers más important), y tienen the característica de poder withdrawar la totalidad o parte de los fondos invertidos at any moment; as well as being able to observe the increase in the money deposited online as well. In addition to investing in the peso capital market, they can be used at any time to make purchases, money transfers, credit card payments, or cash purchases via QR.

This type of fund should be interested in an investment like the one today, whose main characteristics are the short term (October) and the real profitability (close to a maximum of 40%). A fixed rate invoice (Ledes) with a due October and a real rate against inflation will be presented in the company. The paper will come out with a maximum price of $ 933 for every $ 1,000 of face value, which pre-sets a minimum rate of 34.9%, which could reach 40%. The idea is basic: change trust in the long term, gain credibility in the short term and discuss a new alliance in months.

It will be the first operation to feature the column and copyright of the new finance secretary, Rafael Brigo, who will make his major league debut with a commitment to seduce the money markets as much as possible. From what was said yesterday afternoon, the official has faith. Meanwhile, the bilardist technique applied from the BCRA continued yesterday. The entity did not intervene in Rofex, without this implying significant changes in the exchange rates of Argentina’s most important futures market. For example, next December the close was 111.8; unchanged from Thursday’s close. In July 2022, the closing price was 144.8 pesos.

In all cases there have been increases, but far from the transactions recorded yesterday in both financial dollars and blue dollars. There is also an expectation regarding the start, also of Rofex, of the government securities futures market; an area where the BCRA could operate similarly to currencies and give signals on the ruling party’s expectations regarding the long-term paper market. We will have to wait. Meanwhile, we are now waiting for the money markets to give the government a (strong and serious) hand.

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