The Morales jujeño conditions the order of Macri to adjust more


"We can make some efforts, but in no way jeopardize the level of activity that there is in Jujuy," said Governor Gerardo Morales at the request of the national government for the provinces face the 300 000 million pesos of adjustment.

Morales broke the silence after dinner that he held with the president Mauricio Macri, with his peers from Mendoza, Alfredo Cornejo, and Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés

At the summit, which took place on Tuesday Quinta de Olivos the president badyzed with his radical allies the alternatives to lower the primary fiscal deficit to 1, 3 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019.

But the request of the national government took shape the next day and the mission was in the hands of Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne who informed the ministers that the adjustment would be even more important. Even for rulers allied with the national government, it was a hard drink to digest.

"The problem is that we do not fall into public work. We will make every effort to the extent that they do not jeopardize the level of activity. I will not stop public works, I will do everything necessary to maintain the level of activity at that time, "he said, to access a $ 50 million credit. it will take a "federal debate ".

"What will happen is this debate to define the budget . There will be a tension in terms Skill Nation and Province Skills Transfer, "he predicted.

And this discussion has already begun to take shape, especially with the badertions the governors of the opposition push the national government to transfer the expenses to the districts managed by María Eugenia Vidal and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta two of the main pillars of the Pro.

"Nation, province and also municipalities, we must make a great effort to ensure that public works do not fall, because it is a mistake to adapt to the recession," Morales insisted after warning that it was very difficult to apply larger budget adjustments. "

El governor jujeño also expressed his disappointment with the progress of the economy for warn that "does not meet the expectations" that he had when he pulled the government from Macri [1] 9459004] in December of 2015.

"From my point of view view (Federico) Sturzenegger he should have gone much earlier. This change would surely have happened in December and order a little this situation, "he said.

Immediately, Morales also warned about the impact on progress of the economy that the detainees have Change, as those who have been recorded in recent days with the crosses between Elisa Carrió and the radical dome.

"The problem of the economy repeatedly, and in this case too, goes through politics. And when you see a weak government, then the players in the economy benefit and benefit from it. It seems to me that we must make sure to continue to weaken Cambiemos and continue to generate political noise in the context of a very delicate economic situation, which ends up paying people, "said the jujeño.

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