the moratorium is in addition to the recognition of children


High recognition three years of contributions Women’s for every daughter or son so that they can retire, as the AnseS advocates, and move forward Bugle, he can complementary over the years that these women can regularize moratorium currently in force. And for this reason, once this measure has been approved, which is part of the “Global Program for the Recognition of Service Times for Care Tasks”, AnseS believes that immediately, this year, 155,000 women will be able to retire.

Due to the moratorium on Law 26 970, in force until July 2022, women can regularize the years of contributions for the period of 01/01/1955 to 12/31/2003. They must show that they are in “Social vulnerability“Based on a socio-heritage assessment. Then, AnseS calculates the debt for the regularized years which is deducted from the assets, in 60 installments, adjustable for mobility.

In these cases, they usually retire with the have a minimum that since June is $ 23,065 per month -before the cuts- and they have PAMI medical coverage.

For the tasks of taking charge of daughters or sons, AnseS would recognize one year for each daughter or son. And in case of having received the AUH, 3 years will be recognized for each daughter or son.

As a result, a multiplicity of situations. Some examples can help to better understand this procedure.

Opposition support and warnings

“It seems good to me to recognize the work of taking charge of people, but the problem is who pays this contribution it was not done in reality ”, says the deputy Alexandre Cacace Together for change. “There are so many situations of those reaching retirement age and due to informality, unemployment or unpaid work without having the contributions to retire that we must rethink the contributory nature of the system and think about universal benefits financed by taxes. Partial solutions always end up being corrective measures which must then be financed by those who formally contribute, and whose benefits are granted with delays, they lose purchasing power due to the law on mobility, they do not receive adjustments that are recognized by the courts, among other damages they suffer.

Too Graciela Ocana says he agrees with the recognition of care tasks, “but it should be financed by the State via a subsidy or a budget item and not via ANSES so as not to continue to distort the pension system”


Case 1. A woman born in 1961. She is 60 this year and has 2 children.

Today, you are of retirement age, but you cannot complete the paperwork because you do not have the minimum 30 years of contributions required.


• You are 11 years old with contributions recorded before 2003.

• He has 4 years of periods with contributions recorded after 2003.

In total, he has 15 years of service with contributions.

You can regularize up to 12 years by the moratorium in force in accordance with Law 26.970. Between 1979, when he was 18, and 2003, he could have contributions for 24 years of contributions but he has 11. This means that he could regularize for 13 years by moratorium. Then, between the 15 years that he registered and the 13 that he can regularize by moratorium, he would reach a total of 28 years. He does not reach the 30 years required by the retirement system.

With the new recognition program for periods of service for childcare duties, the two remaining years would be recognized by the two children. Immediately access retirement.

Another example.

Case 2. A woman born in 1959. She is now 62 years old, 2 years older than those required to retire. He has 3 daughters / sons. You need 29 years of contributions because every 2 years that exceed 60 requires one less year of contributions.

Suppose you have:

• 10 years of work recorded before 2003.

• 2 years of work recorded after 2003.

In total, he accumulates 12 years of registered work with contributions.

You can regularize 14 years of service by the current moratorium law 26,970. Between 1977, when he was 18 and 2003, the moratorium allows him to regularize 26 years and during this period he contributed 10 years.

Between the 12 years that he registered and the 14 that he can regularize by moratorium, he would reach a total of 26 years. To this is added one more year for overage, reaching a total of 27 years of service. He does not reach the 30 years required by the retirement system.

With the new recognition program for periods of service by care tasks, the remaining three years would be recognized by the three children reaching retirement.

In this same example, the 62-year-old woman without contributions could also retire because of the 29 years required that would justify 26 years with the moratorium and 3 years for the children.


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