The most famous Brazilian journalist dies in an accident


The Brazilian journalist Ricardo Boechat, born in Argentina and one of the most famous journalists of Brazil, died today at the age of 66 when the helicopter that he transported in the suburbs of the city of Sao Paulo broke down, reported the chain Bandeirantes. which worked.

The pilot of the helicopter, who fell on Anhanguera Road, also died. The Air Force said it was investigating the causes of this incident, recorded when the journalist returned from Campinas to Sao Paulo after a conference.

"It is with regret that I receive this sad news," President Jair Bolsonaro, who has been posted in São Paulo since January 28, said on Twitter.

I regret to receive sad news from the faculty of the journalist Ricardo Boechat, who was not a helicopter and who caio hoje to SP. Minha Solidariedade in Familia is a colleague and a colleague who always has a lot of respect for her role as a pilot. May Deus console everyone!

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) February 11, 2019

Boechat was born in 1952 in Buenos Aires, son of a Brazilian diplomat and Argentina's Mercedes Carrascal, who established himself in 1956 in Niteroi, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The journalist from Buenos Aires grew up in Brazil, where he had a brilliant career in the media world: he was the host of the Bandeirantes newscast and the first morning radio program of Band News FM.

Winner of three "Esso" awards for journalistic quality, Boechat has worked in O Globo, Jornal do Brasil, O Dia and O Estado de Sao Paulo newspapers.

Over the last 20 years, he has devoted himself to building the audiovisual career in the Bandeirantes group, the third-largest media channel in the country, and writing columns in Istoé magazine.



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