The most fertile father in the world: 16 women, 151 children and sex every night


A man of Zimbawe to have 16 wives, 151 children and sex with four of the women every night, with the excuse that it’s part of a “polygamy projectIt started in 1983. This man has been dubbed “the most fertile father in the world” and plans to reach the number of 100 the marriages Yes a thousand descendants.

It is Misheck Nyandoro, a 66-year-old veteran who, despite having such a high number of spouses in his life, wants to marry younger women because his current wives cannot keep up with him. Oddly enough, this man said he didn’t work because his full-time job was to “satisfy his wives.”

Nyandoro doesn’t feel like a pressure or a bad thing to have so many descendants. “My children pamper me. I constantly receive gifts and money from them and my stepchildren, ”he said. (Photo: the herald)

Nyandoro confessed to the Zimbabwean newspaper The herald that in one night, he can become intimate with at least four women thanks to a sort of “schedule” that he has created for this purpose. In turn, he complained about those older women who “are not always interested in having sex”, although he explains that all of his women are very happy.

“Each of my women cook for me everyday, but the rule is that I only eat delicious food because everything you feel is inferior Get out“, He assured.

The man added that “they know the rules, they promised do not get mad when I give them their food back, because whatever they send them has to be a lesson that helps them improve ”.

Nyandoro doesn’t feel like a pressure or a bad thing to have so many descendants. “My children pamper me. I constantly receive gifts and cash them and my stepchildren, ”he said.

It is not for nothing that this man made it known that his objective was to carry out a polygamy project, which began in 1983, and which aims to maintain a marriage with 100 women in total and you have 1,000 children. . “I am currently planning my wedding number 17», He concluded.


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