The most visited porn videos by users when Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp crash


People choose to watch adult videos on sites like Pornhub when social media is swimming (Photo: Pixabay)
People choose to watch adult videos on sites like Pornhub when social media is swimming (Photo: Pixabay)

While Facebook Inc., lost billions of dollars during the downfall of their social networks and mail service, the industry of porn, or more precisely the platform Pornhub, has seen an increase in the number of users.

It seems that people not only needed to communicate, but also to be entertained in any way possible.

While Telegram gained 70 million new users in a matter of hours, Pornhub saw a 10.5% increase in traffic, which equates to half a million additional people.

“Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp were out of service for several hours on October 4, 2021. At 12:00 p.m. ET, Pornhub traffic increased 10.5%, which equates to half a million additional users for every hour Facebook services were down. ” , the platform said.

(Photo: screenshot)
(Photo: screenshot)

According to porn site, starting at 10:00 a.m. (ET), peaking at 1:00 p.m. and starting to gradually decrease until around 7:00 p.m., when service to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp was re-established worldwide.

Although nothing confirms it, it is assumed that the increase in visits to the adult page is directly related to the fall of Mark Zuckerberg’s platforms.

Recall that something similar happened in March 2019, when the three sites of the Facebook company went down. During the hours they were down, visits to pornographic video sites, such as XVideos, increased and even became a trend on social media.

At the time, users increased up to 19% than usual, having an almost simultaneous decrease with the rimplementation of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

(Photo: screenshot)
(Photo: screenshot)

Historically, the pornographic industry he fostered much of the advancement of the Internet. Video streaming is one of the best samples and judging by Pornhub’s decision, the same will happen with virtual reality.

With only a handful of apps and sites dedicated to virtual reality, Pornhub, one of the most important porn video sites, has just introduced a section entirely dedicated to this technology.

Through a partnership with BaDoink, Pornhub offers 360-degree content at no cost to the user.

“Our goal is to bring the latest technologies to the public. Virtual reality is the next big step in the constant metamorphosis of the world of adult entertainment. We want to take this experience to a level never seen before, ”said Corey Price, vice president of Pronhub.

The adult video platform has been the subject of several controversies (Photo: Infobae)
The adult video platform has been the subject of several controversies (Photo: Infobae)

In statements to The next webHe added that “users can not only see the content but also be protagonists and interact with the actors”.

Pornhub’s move follows the birth of sites like VirtualRealPorn, with content for virtual reality headsets and glasses. The difference is the amount of audience that accesses the two sites: the first receives 60 million people per day.

However, not all honey on flakes for the platform, as it has recently been in the eye of the hurricane for accusations of several women who point out that on their site there are sex videos of them without their consent, which depict rape, sexual slavery and human trafficking.

As if that weren’t controversial enough, Pornhub is also the victim of his own invention, an advertising strategy in which he wanted to improve his image by showing himself as a site that promotes “erotic art” but has gone really badly. , because now he is the number one public enemy of the largest museums in the world, which also file complaints against him.


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