The mother is beaten thanks to the terrifying drawing of her daughter | Chronic


A terrible case of violence against an 11-year-old miner came to light after the girl made a scary drawing. The diary was discovered by teachers from a school in Marbella, Spain, who investigated the little girl until she discovered that she was every day beaten and abused by her mother. The accused is already arrested.

During school hours, an 11-year-old girl decided to stop paying attention to teachers and isolate herself to draw. When the teachers alerted the miner's behavior, they drew his attention and took out the paper, which was then badyzed for its dark content.

The little girl drew herself covered with spots and held a knife in her right hand. Beside the self-portrait he has written the word many times "I'm going to fly." According to the teachers, these are "Brands" who covered his body, they would be hurt.

In the left hand, the youngest was carrying a suitcase with the same word "volaré", which would mean that the little girl still had the hope of getting out of this situation. At the top of the page, the girl wrote: "blood", "Bruise" and "with the strap".

After badyzing the drawing, the teachers investigated the child and the girl could not stop crying and revealed that her mother was beating and insulting her daily. In addition, they found the diary of the little girl in which she wrote: "If you do not hit me, you insult me: idiot, meona, bitch, fat … I want to die, die, die, die, die."

After gathering the necessary evidence, proceeded to the arrest of the accused. The girl receives the corresponding psychological treatment.


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