The mother of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán asks for help to obtain the visa allowing him to visit his son – 20/02/2019


Joaquin's Mexico lawyers "Chapo" Guzman said on Tuesday that the capo's mother had sent a letter asking the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for his intervention to obtain a US humanitarian visa allowing him to go see his son.

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"I have not seen her for more than five years," said María Consuelo Loera Pérez, who describes herself as a "distressed and desperate mother," according to a photocopy of the letter written by lawyer José Luis González Meza in a press conference.

González said he handed the letter to the president in person after an official ceremony held on February 15 and that López Obrador "kept it" in his shirt pocket.

Mexican lawyers Juan Pablo Badillo and José Luis González Meza show the document by which the mother of the drug dealer Joaquín

Mexican lawyers Juan Pablo Badillo and José Luis González Meza show the document by which the mother of the drug dealer Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán asks for help to repatriate his son. / EFE / Mario Guzmán /

"We are asking for your precious intervention so that the North American government, through its embbady in Mexico, authorize humanitarian visas for me and my daughters, Armida and Bernarda Guzmán Loera," said the mother of the former chief of the agreement. Sinaloa was considered the most important drug trafficker on the planet after the death of Colombian Pablo Escobar.

Juan Pablo Badillo, another of his lawyers, described as "lukewarm" the performance of his defense during the trial of the United States.

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A jury in New York City found Chapo Guzman guilty of 10 drug-related crimes a week ago. In June, he must be sentenced to a non-negotiable life sentence and sent to the maximum security prison (ADX) in Florence, Colorado (west).

"In the remainder of the trial, the prosecution presented 56 protected witnesses", while his defense, chaired by the lawyer Bill Purpura, only introduced "a defense witness", declared Badillo.

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The lawyer said that he had filed nine amparos "that are still valid because they were not denied" against the extradition of Chapo because the law states that the accused must be surrendered to the first jurisdiction that requires it, and that it is a case originating in Southern California. Not New York.

He must "quash the lawsuit" that has "original defects", he said.

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Visits to the prison where he will be sent are allowed but must be approved by the prison authorities.

Source: AFP


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