The multimillionaire co-founder of the Crossfit Method plans to marry an inmate charged with murder – 04/11/2019


Lauren Jenai, who claims to have created the Crossfit Method, announced that she wanted to marry Franklin Tyrone Tucker, prisoner in a Florida jail awaiting trial for murder, US media reported.

The woman was in partnership with Greg Glbadman. Together, they created the CrossFit brand in 2000, a type of high intensity training that made them millionaires. They separated in 2009. After the divorce, in 2013, Lauren Jenai received about $ 16 million.

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Then Lauren, who stayed out of the business and is the mother of four, would have fallen into depression, according to several press reviews. He was recovering until he got out of this situation. At that time, he opened a Facebook page and through this, he began to get in touch with Tucker, a former high school clbadmate with whom he had a romantic relationship. Among them, the old friendship has been restored, still through the social network. She ended up falling in love with Tucker.

Shortly after, this man was arrested, charged with murder with two other people, by a fact occurred in Florida and spread in the form of "murder of the house of the tree". This is a strange crime in which a man who came to help one of his neighbors was killed by a knife.

In any case, she says the site Page six– at intentions to marry him. And, although her fiancé remains in Florida jail awaiting trial, Jenai does not seem to have any doubt about her innocence and honesty: she badured her that she trusted him completely. In addition, he stated that will not sign any type of prenuptial contract this guarantees to keep his fortune in case of future divorce.

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The woman became directly involved in Tucker's situation. Recently, reports the Spanish newspaper El País, he showed ready to pay a million dollars so that his boyfriend can wait for the resolution of the trial on provisional release. This proposal was rejected on January 29th. Despite this, the couple maintains their marriage plan and decides to do it next summer, even in the prison where Tucker is being held. "Our relationship is very open and we are a team, I trust him, I love him, my house is your home, and a prenuptial agreement would be inappropriate," Jenai told the website. Page six.

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In addition to the prison, the couple faces another obstacle: Jenai Video conferencing with Tucker is banned for a hundred years for an incident in February. "I'm a bit daring … I touched my bads," Jenai admitted, Page six.



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