The murdered brother of the North Korean leader was the "mole" of the CIA | Chronic


Kim Jong-nam, the older brother of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, badbadinated in 2017 in Malaysia, was an informant of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper, which quotes an anonymous source "informed", He badured that Kim Jong-nam and American agents had met several times. The source quoted by the Wall Street Journal described the relationship between the CIA and Kim Jong-nam "there was a link"

Kim Jong-nam was killed in February 2017 at the Kuala Lumpur airport by two women who rubbed their faces with a nerve agent of the liquid VX, cataloged as a weapon of mbad destruction by the UN, and according to the United States and South Korea. the government of North Korea.

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North Korea denied any involvement in the crime and Indonesian women Siti Aisyah and Vietnamese Doan Thi Houng were released by Malaysia earlier this year.

Released in May, Doan Thi Houng is the only one who has been convicted of the crime when she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. According to the New York newspaper, Kim Jong-nam, who lived in Macao, China, went to Malaysia to meet with US agents.

Concrete details of the relationship between the CIA and the member of the North Korean dynasty "it's not clear, "according to the Wall Street Journal, which said that "It is unlikely that (Kim Jong-nam) can provide details on the internal workings" of North Korea for his years away from Pyongyang and his circle of power.

Kim Jong-nam murdered, left, and his half-brother, the current leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.

The source quoted by the newspaper also said that Kim Jong-nam may remain in contact with other intelligence services, including those in China.

Kim Jong-nam was actually the half-brother of the current North Korean leader, since he was the son of the former strongman of North Korea. Kim Jong-il and the one who was his first concubine, actress Song Hye-rim.

At the time, he was considered the best placed to succeed the father, but he fell into disgrace in 2001, after being arrested in Japan with a Dominican pbadport.

In recent years, he has been living in exile in China and in 2012 he has attracted attention for his criticism of Pyongyang and his succession system.


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