The mysterious businessman who has removed a cameraman and has several outstanding judges


Raúl Mingini's name was revealed for the first time in May 2017, when LA NACION revealed that one of its companies had paid Twelve checks to Freiler for the purchase of a Mercedes Benz car. Source: THE NACION

A mysterious platense businessman has caused the dismissal of the federal chamberlain

Eduardo Freiler

But its ramifications go much further and affect other federal judges and their relatives, around the former private secretary of the Kirchners,

Daniel Muñoz,

and even to "parallel diplomacy" with Venezuela, according to official and private documents, and about twenty testimonies accumulated by LA NACION for two years.

This businessman, Raúl Mingini, was first discovered in May 2017, when LA NACION revealed that one of his companies had paid Twelve checks to Freiler for the purchase of the goods. a Mercedes-Benz car. Freiler found himself destitute, but this entrepreneur's ties with the Commodore Py go further. They reach notably judges Ariel Lijo, Secretary General of the Association of Federal Judges (Ajufe) of Argentina, Rodolfo Canicoba Corral and exjuez subrogante Octavio Aráoz de Lamadrid.

With a complicated criminal record and a line of former partners, former employees and former clients to whom he owes money – many of whom have spoken to LA NACION -, Mingini is relocating with ease. Among other reasons, he sometimes moved into a BMW van on behalf of Alfredo Lijo, brother and legal operator of his brother brother, Ariel. Or he brought and brought goods to a field and a spa near Necochea, then Freiler's cameraman.

The names Mingini and Lijo also appear together when buying two farms in the town of Cuadro Nacional, San Rafael, Mendoza Province, as recorded in the copy of the "Master Agreement" for sale , dated and signed at the end of 2015, of which copy obtained LA NACION.

As part of this "framework agreement", Mingini is committed to buying the farm "Piedralba" to the French Jules Vincen Merpillat and Jacqueline Arnaud, as well as the farm "La Rosada" to the Americans James Walker and John Frannea. He stated that he would pay part of the money and the rest by delivering a Volskwagen Tiguan flight HVS537, on behalf of his wife, and a BMW X1 2.0D SUV, patent JBI880, in the name of Alfredo Lijo. .

Nested by the NATION, Mingini and "Freddi" Lijo gave opposite versions. "I have nothing to do with the Lijo, I bought a farm in Mendoza and I said everything, but I have nothing to do with a BMW," said Mingini, although LA NACION has agreed to take pictures of this truck in his factory.

"Freddi" Lijo also contradicted Mingini. He confirmed to the NATION that he had sold him the truck through the medium of a common acquaintance, Amílcar Ricci – denounced for false testimony after declaring in favor of Freiler before the Judicial Council – and handed over to this newspaper the sales denunciation that he had presented to the AFIP at the end of 2015. "I sold it to him, who then lent it to" Chiche & # 39; [Freiler]. But I have nothing to do with these farms. "

At that time, "Freddi" Lijo had already stopped selling empanadas at Villa Dominico and enjoyed an important heritage. Among other badets, he already controlled 20% of the shares of Caledonia Seguros (through Caledeco SA), a company that acquired 20 luxury cars; among them, a Mercedes Benz E350, white, which the judge used

Ariel Lijo

with a credit card issued in his favor. Also, an apartment in Las Cañitas and stud farm "La Generación", as well as a spa in Necochea that he shares with his ex-wife with Freiler.

Meanwhile, the operation was completed in Mendoza at the end of 2015. The French and Americans called on an oenologist from San Rafael, Carlos Jose García, responsible for documents, García confirmed to THE NACION. And he stayed a few months with the BMW imported from Germany during, without finalizing the sale, until he entrusted it to a dealer of National Picture, Alex Piazze, who also confirmed it to LA NACION, before appear on the register. of car ownership as immediate owner after "Freddi" Lijo.

Inmobiliaria Ortiz intervened in the operation between Piazze and García. Its owner remembers well. "The BMW said that it was Judge Lijo of Buenos Aires and Garcia received it as part of the sale of the farms, and then gave it to Alex in exchange for A house I sold him, "he said.

Two notaries participated in the sale of the two farms, Ernesto Ayub and Marcela Murúa, who, according to the eleventh clause of the "Framework Agreement", declared "acting on behalf of third parties" anonymous, but he had promised to provide the data of this one "with sufficient time for the preparation of the acts". He did not do it He registered the properties in the real estate register of that province on his behalf and with his wife, María Alejandra Lairihon, according to the domain reports required by LA NACION.

Consulted by this newspaper, scribes Ayub and Murúa pointed out that the operation was legal but, separately, they described it as "rare". "I felt something strange, something dark for what they said, strange how they moved," the notary reminded himself. "Mingini said that he wanted to do a planting, he signed everything and he stayed next week, but he never came back," said Ayub, who is still waiting for him. "The legal deductions I paid, my fees and some labor claims were due, and I remember that of Lijo, yes."

By that time, Mingini had already helped Freiler purchase his Mercedes Benz C 250 Blue Efficiency coupe in black in January 2013. Automobile Juan Manuel Fangio SA agreed that Freiler pay part of the transaction in cash and the rest with twelve monthly checks until the end. early 2014. Mingini signed them, as revealed LA NACION in 2017.

Frequently later consulted by this newspaper, Freiler defined Mingini as a "friend", but the company chief stated that he had barely seen him once, in a hotel in the city of Buenos Aires, when one of his lawyers had introduced them, the former Justice Minister of Buenos Aires, Jorge Casanovas.

Mingini stopped several data. Among other things, Freiler participated in the party organized by the businessman to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. This is shown by the photographs of this party to which LA NACION has agreed. Then appears the cameraman, with his partner, inside the tent that Mingini mounted in the room "Rincón Grande".

Located in the region of Balcarce, this ranch belonged to the Mexican drug lord Amado Carrillo, "the Lord of heaven", who had used the accountant Angel Salvia to wash the fortunes. But after Carrillo's death, Salvia tried to stay with what was foreign. He ended up being murdered. Mingini then used a mortgage on this property and started a long legal journey to keep it.

During this trial, the case that Mingini was interested in had pbaded several times in the hands of Judge Canicoba Corral, subrogated Aráoz de Lamadrid and cameraman Freiler, who later went to "Rincón Grande" to celebrate the day. Mingini's birthday. which in turn gave Twelve checks to Freiler to buy the Mercedes Benz coupe.

This connection between Mingini and Freiler was so familiar that, according to Mingini himself, he reportedly told his employees that the then vice-president

Amado Boudou

– whom I knew from Mar del Plata – went to see him at "Rincón Grande" to ask him to intervene with Freiler in "the Ciccone case". But he asked for 3 million US dollars, admitted himself laughing, and Boudou gave up his attempt.

Freiler was not the sole beneficiary of Mingini, according to the accounts of five former Mingini employees and ex-partners who interviewed LA NACION separately. Three rely on an alleged agreement with Canicoba Corral; and two others on payments to the brother of Aráoz de Lamadrid, Emiliano.

Canicoba Corral, Aráoz de Lamadrid and Mingini, consulted by the NATION, also gave opposite versions. "What I remember from" Rincon Grande ", is that I entrusted it to the court because I did not want any problems, with the time, the court told me Made and finally, they took it to me because I did not want anyone to have a hand so I do not remember Mingini and, in any event, no one has ever given me a dime, "said Canicoba Corral, who ended up moving away from the administration of the" Rincón Grande "camp and denounced for his alleged fraudulent administration by the Cbadation Chamber criminal, in May 2006, charge that has not flourished.

For its part, Mingini denies even having met Canicoba Corral or Emiliano Aráoz de Lamadrid, let alone giving them money. But the brother of the deputy judge of the time, responsible for "Rincon Grande" after the displacement of Canicoba Corral, confirmed that he had informed Mingini of a customs problem: "In 2008, they had problems importing capelettis machines and I was busy unlocking it, and then we tried to agree to advise him on labor issues, but it did not work and it's easy, 8 or 9 years ago that I do not see it. "

The testimonies also accumulate by reminding how much Mingini boasted of his supposed "arrival" in the courts of Comodoro Py and what a factory of Villa Lynch was used as an investment pole . Or how he told them that the police had arrested him for speeding while he was driving the BMW of "Freddi" Lijo, for which he had no credit card. But he himself stated that he had pulled out a personal card from Judge Lijo and handed it over to the agents, who had gone unpunished and let him go, unpunished.

With the collaboration of Pablo Mannino


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