The mystery ends: they revealed the contents of the legendary “hellhole” of Barhout in Yemen


A team of Omani cavers descended on the legendary “hellish pit“From Barthout, in the desert of Yemen, a natural wonder that has frightened locals for centuries who believe it is a prison for demons.

It is a round black hole of 30 meters wide which serves as a gateway to a cave of 112 meters deep. The well is estimated to be millions of years old.

The hole is located in the province of Al Mahra, in a desert area in the east of the country. And no one so far had done a thorough examination of the place.

Last June, several Yemeni officials told the AFP who did not know what was in this hole which they say dates back “millions” of years. According to what they claimed at the time, the well had never been explored.

“We entered the well. We have reached depths of over 50-60 meters and I felt strange things inside», He explained then Bad Babhair, director general of the local authority in charge of the geological study and mineral resources.

“It’s very mysterious,” he insisted.

The well of Barhout, in Yemen: a refuge for snakes and dead animals (Photo: AFP)
The well of Barhout, in Yemen: a refuge for snakes and dead animals (Photo: AFP)

The New Hell Pit Expedition from Barhout, Yemen: What They Found

The statements of the Yemeni authorities have increased the curiosity of the scientific world and at the same time the fear of the inhabitants, who often tell the same legends about the origin of the well and its delicate function: a prison of demons.

Now a team of cavers from Oman he made the dream of many explorers come true and descended into “hell”.

What did they find inside the well? The answer did not surprise them: snakes, dead animals and pearls gray and green caves formed by drops of water.

But there is no trace of supernatural beings or striking smells beyond that of dead birds, said the leader of the team of eight cavers.

Omani caving expedition
Omani caving expedition

“There were snakes, but they don’t do anything to you if you don’t disturb them,” he told the AFP Mohamed al Kindi, professor of geology at the German University of Technology in Oman.

And he explained, “It seemed to us that this project was going to reveal a new wonder and part of Yemen’s history.”

“We have collected samples of water, rocks, soil and a few dead animals, but they still need to be analyzed” before publishing a report, said the young man, owner of a mining exploration consultancy and petroleum.

For centuries, in the region, legends have been passed down from generation to generation about the evil spirits known as “jinn“Who live in this ‘hay from hell’. Even most of the locals avoid approaching the hole or talking about it for fear it will bring them bad luck.

But beyond this legend, they already have enough misfortunes. The country has been plunged into a civil war since 2014 between the government and the rebels houthis, which has caused tens of thousands of deaths and millions of people displaced, according to international organizations.


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