The National University of the South, among the best in the world


By Mario Minervino / [email protected]

The Universidad Nacional del Sur has been ranked first among the 1,578 universities evaluated worldwide by the World University Ranking Center (CWUR), a measure that considers the qualities of academics and researchers as determining factors. .

Although the place may seem too far from the positions of excellence, it is less than 10% of the most prestigious universities in the world.

The rector of this badembly, Daniel Vega, however acknowledged that "although it is very important to be located in this privileged place at the world level, especially given our budgetary reality, no one can be satisfied with the position of 1578, regardless of its ranking ".

He explained that there are several entities dedicated to evaluating the performance of universities, each with its methodological features.

Among the most prestigious are the QS Ranking, the Center for the World Ranking of Universities, Rannking Scimago and Shanghai.The difference between these studies lies in their quantization parameters, but most of them place great importance research, technological innovation, training and research at the undergraduate and graduate levels.In total, the UNS is less than 10% of the most prestigious universities in the world, "he said. -he adds.

He also mentioned the desire to improve his rating.

"For this, we are working hard in various fields, mainly in the areas of technology, scientific and technological links and methodologies for the communication of scientific activities, in order to improve this positioning at national and international level. international law, "he concluded.


Many variables are considered to establish the quality of university education.

This is done each year by the United Arab Emirates Center for Global Universities (CWUR), which evaluates hundreds of universities on the basis of the hierarchy of their teachers, the quality of their research, their publications and their the employability of their graduates.

CWUR uses indicators that it defines as "objective and solid".

The UNS is one of the ten Argentinean universities on this list (item 1578) with a score of 67.4 (out of 100). The one in Buenos Aires (UBA) is the best located (344), with 76.1. Then there are La Plata (596, 73.2), Córdoba (854, 71.2), Rosario (1298, 68.7) and Mar del Plata (1342, 68.5).

The elements taken into account by the CWUR include the number of alumni deserving rewards; those who have held CEO positions in relevant companies; award-winning academics; Research articles and publication in high level journals.

Certain parameters beyond academic merit, such as campus badessment, student satisfaction or extracurricular benefits, are not considered in this ranking.


Harvard University in the United States is considered the best university quality in the world, with the highest score (100).

It is followed by the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the universities of Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford, Columbia, Princeton, Berkeley, Pennsylvania and Chicago.

Harvard, founded in 1636, and Mbadachusetts, in 1861, are private. The number of professors and graduates who have won the Nobel Prize is one of the parameters that places them at the top of the list. Harvard has 159, MIT 78.

The five Argentinian Nobel Laureates are graduates of public universities. Four (Saavedra Lamas, Houssay, Milstein and Leloir) of the UBA, a (Pérez Esquivel) of the National University of La Plata.


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