The Neuquina crossed the Strait of San Carlos to the Malvinas


The open water swimmer, Cristina Ganem, crossed the San Carlos Strait to swim. The crossing called "Desafío Malvinas".

In an exploit full of strong emotions, the neuquine Cristina Ganem crossed the icy waters of the Strait of San Carlos, and he united the islands Soledad and Great Malvina.

In tribute to those who – in 1982 – fought and fell in the war for the recovery of these Argentine islands usurped by the British Empire, made this exploit Wednesday.

In the midst of deep silence and with the firm conviction to remember the heroes, the swimmer of the open waters began the crossing at 8:18, while the sea temperature was only 11 degrees and the coast was invaded by cachiyuyos. they are algae that reach the surface.

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The challenge required exactly one hour and 46 minutes. And had to deal with the force of the waters, which although in the narrowest section of the strait has a linear extension of 4,500 meters, she He had to swim 5,600 meters because of the current.

After the feat, the swimmer supported by the Gambling Institute of the Province of Neuquén (IJAN) said the following: "I was able to kiss these islands in the honor of our compatriots who stayed here and those who live today. "

"I want to thank the support I received from IJAN," he said before concluding, "I'm happy to represent Neuquén."

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