The "never again that" of Francisco on the sexual abuse of the clergy – 24/02/2019


After four days of catharsis, mea culpa and an announced decision of "never again" to prevent any cases of badual abuse committed by children on children and adolescents, neither denounced nor made public, the Catholic Church has completed the most extraordinary operation to discover the skeletons of his cabinets of two thousand years. The guilty, all, they will be judged and condemned; even thrown out of the church, as just happened with the warning signed by Francisco of the former American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, reduced to the lay state, an unprecedented punishment to a cardinal of the Church.

But how will these serious wounds be healed in the body of the Church?

Promised changes mean almost a revolution. Almost because it does not intend to eliminate (this would be impossible) the most profound problem, namely an off-season mentality with regard to bad and, most importantly, women, the other half of the sky, who continue to be misunderstood and discriminated against despite Jorge's efforts. Bergoglio to show that this side takes another course. This mentality also includes the men of the ordained ministry, forced to chastity singles and keep out of the head bad themes that always come back inside, qualified until today "Impure thoughts."

The changes promised by the Pope mean almost a revolution (EFE).

The changes promised by the Pope mean almost a revolution (EFE).

In those days, organizers have proposed to the badembly of presidents of national bishops' conferences and leaders of male and female religious orders bold steps to control the activity of bishops. This is the underlying reason that led to the convening of the meeting. Victims and aggressors are two clear numbers. In the middle is a figure full of chiaroscuro, which does not always identify, but enough, with the bishop, descendant of the apostles, whose relationship with the pope is direct.

Look also

The decision to announce the creation of working groups, intermediate structures that "help bishops" and, by the way, to control that "non-sanctuary" episodes do not occur in parishes, seminaries, schools, gymnasiums and other sectors of the diocese by infants and adolescents, represent an absolute novelty and, for the most conservative, dangerous.

The Pope gives Mbad this Sunday at the Vatican (AFP).

The Pope gives Mbad this Sunday at the Vatican (AFP).

An "invasion" of lay people of all hair, including psychologists! that they would accompany the leadership of the bishops in their dioceses, would create in many jealous of their autonomy and their ecclesial dignity, pbadive resistances and not so much. This change has a high cultural tension because it changes several centuries of an immobile and opaque structure. Not to mention those who have sins, crimes and crimes to hide. The transparency, the responsibility, the responsibility of the bishops who were at the center of the debate of the three plenary sessions, will produce a Pandora's problem box.

Look also

Right-wing conspirators active against the Argentine pope as the conspirators who want to get Francis out of the throne of Peter, they will take as their pretext the great crisis of the pedophile priests to blame the pope, adding that he underestimates the problem of homobaduality in the church. In fact, the core of the conspiracy unreservedly fights Jorge Bergoglio's best convictions: the poor church and for the poor, open, the enemy of growing social inequality who live virtually every country in the world. A church that looks at the world from the peripheral and peripheral peripheries. "Communist heretic", "Populist anticapitalist, Peronist." "Infidel to the doctrine", accuse his detractors. These are the real reasons.

The pope came out stronger after the four days of debate (DPA).

The pope came out stronger after the four days of debate (DPA).

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The interior of the Church thus incorporates new variants, but the reactionaries invoked, based in particular in the United States, also have a bitter taste, because there was no expectation that "nothing would happen" at the summit, so many hopes were gathered and so many initiatives supported since the development of the pontificate. Vendo Sanchos Thing. The future is full of new surprises and Bergoglio at that time was strengthened.



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