The new apostolic constitution is getting closer | Chronic


The new apostolic constitution is already in progress. Pope Francisco On Monday, he chaired the 28th meeting of his group of C6 cardinal-councilors, with whom he will try to define the last details of the text that could be promulgated this year or at the beginning of 2020, including the new position against pedophilia. The meeting will end this Wednesday.

The new constitution is tentatively titled "Praedicate evangelium" ("Preach the Gospel") and, according to its transcendence, will be responsible for writing down many of the changes already introduced by the pontiff,

On Monday morning, the meeting of the Council of Cardinals that advised him on the reform of the Curia began in late 2013, with the main objective of drafting a new Magna Carta to replace the current "Pastor Bonus" of 1988. The new constitution has the provisional title "Praedicate evangelium" ("Preach the Gospel") and, as we have learned, it will be responsible for writing many changes already introduced by the pontiff, such as the creation of A dicastery dedicated to communication and another. integral human development ", as well as the merger of other Vatican entities to give birth to new structures.

The original project already contains four working translations, which will be revised and improved by episcopates around the world.


Among the issues that will be examined in the new constitution include, among others, the principle of "synodality" and "decentralization", the institution of the commission for the guardianship of minors and the creation of a secretariat for the economy, which could be located as a dicastery.

A new element of the new constitutional body will be the new legislative baggage in the fight against pedophilia, such as the Apostolic Letter, which provides for tougher penalties for cases of negligence in cases of child abuse. In addition, Francisco created the Cardenalicio Council on September 28, 2013 for the main purpose of the counselor in the government of the Universal Church and to study a draft of a new Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia. The first meeting is held from October 1st to 3rd, 2013.


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