The new #basurachallenge viral challenge, with a strong ecological message: does it reach La Plata?


A new challenge is going around the world, but this time it is charged with an ecological message. In recent days, the hashtags #trashchallenge and #basurachallenge, which consist of going out to clean garbage from public places, thus showing the before and the after, have become viral. This is an excellent opportunity for the members of the rostrum to roll up their sleeves and participate in this global challenge.

No doubt that the slogan was very well accepted by social networks, and that's why Twitter and Instagram were filled with photos and messages with this movement that continues to add followers. That's how we can find thousands and thousands of images of places filled with garbage that contrast with another photo of the place, but already clear, with the garbage bags behind the person who accepted the challenge . In this way, you can awaken some ecological awareness about the future of the planet and contribute through a simple action, aimed at improving your health, which belongs to everyone.

Finally a challenge of social networks that makes sense #trashtag
Pick a place with garbage, clean it up and share it before and after …

… it's not going to be a trend

– Pepo Jiménez (@kurioso) March 10, 2019

This challenge was born in Mexico and involves going out on the streets with waste such as paper, bottles, cardboard, plastic or fruit peels. In this way, we seek to generate change, especially among adolescents and young people. A variant is to choose to make a video and for this you need to add music. In this case, the slogan is to collect all the garbage until the end of the melody.

One of the two options has another step: to name four people, who must take the test. And they only have less than 24 hours to fill it.

The #BasuraChallenge or #trashchallenge is a small grain of sand that contributes to this ecological goal which, for once in this type of viral movements, poses no risk for its protagonists.

If you are from La Plata and have already joined this challenge, send us your photo or video to WhatsApp from EL DIA +5492214779896.

How is not bullshit we do not do.

– Dr. Cretino (@CretinoSV) March 11, 2019

Why do not we do this better? ✍?? #Good Sunday #Colombia #Basurachallenge

– Koray Ortiz (@kor_ortiz) March 10, 2019

Let it become trendy ??♻️ #BasuraChallenge

– AbyrSchmitd (@abyRschmidt) March 10, 2019

New challenge #basurachallenge good or not?

– Baymax®♏? (@toledo_cristian) March 7, 2019

#BasuraChallenge in Santo Domingo North. @AlonzoLedesma

– Penélope⚡️ (@MeDicenPilope) March 10, 2019


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