The new clues in the case Lola Chomnalez: was killed by a man who committed suicide?


This track is based on three testimonies that appear in the case and which indicated a Daniel, aka "El Tereso", as a possible material perpetrator of the crime.

Juan Willman, one of the Chomnalez family's lawyers, explained to Telam that it was one of the lines of inquiry gathered in the report that was presented early May to the prosecutor of Rocha, Jorge Vaz, in charge of the file.

In this report, prepared by Argentinian experts after badyzing about 5,000 pages up to that time, also included clues about "The Cachila", who at the end of this month was arrested and prosecuted as a "co-perpetrator" of the crime of "aggravated homicide for treachery" by order of the subrogated judge of Rocha Rossana Ortega.

On this occasion, the magistrate herself clarified that "the author is the one who carries out the murder action" and that, in the defendant's case "there is no evidence that this person killed Lola from his own hands, what we have the main belief that he participated in the crime ".

Regarding the track "El Tereso", the lawyer Willman said "we do not exclude anything", although he stressed that his position was to point "towards the environment of the person being treated "to try to identify the material author of the crime since the arrested "He did not act alone".

He also did not rule out the possibility of exhuming the body of "El Tereso" to compare his DNA with the genetic material found in Lola's backpack, although he said that it was not a priority at this stage of the process, but that it would continue to move on the path. from "El Cachila".

According to the report submitted at the time to Prosecutor Vaz, an anonymous source reportedly provided the data of "El Tereso", which would have subsequently been corroborated by two other witnesses, a sister of the man and the l '. employer of the young woman.


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The latter said that the sister of the suspect – from the Uruguayan department of Maldonado – he had told her that he had killed Lola and then committed suicide, while the girl had declared that her brother was "very aggressive", especially with regard to women, and a drug addict alcoholic.

In turn, the employer stated that on the day of the suspect's awakening, in January 2015, he had heard a comment stating that he was leading "the secret of what he did to Lola" .

Lola (14 years old) went to Barra de Valizas on Saturday, December 27, 2014 and stayed with her godmother, Claudia Fernández, who was with her husband, Hernán Tuzinkevcih and her son.

The next day, the teenager disappeared when she went for a walk on the beach. Two days later, she was found murdered about four kilometers from the house, in a dune area.

The autopsy revealed that Lola had died as a result of suffocation asphyxia and that she had had several cuts to the knife in different parts of her body.

According to Judge Ortega's decision, the teenager tried to escape from her murderers. She was hit, wounded with a gun and hit on the head to finally die choked when, in response to her possible requests for help, she pressed her face against the sand.

For its part, "El Cachila" had been arrested at the beginning of the investigation, but had subsequently been released, the result of comparing its DNA with the genetic material found in the victim's backpack being negative.

However, in his statement to the court, the accused now admitted crossed the path of the victim on the beach on December 28, 2014 and offered her "a little stamp", but that she did not. was later "stunned" and that by helping him he discovered that he "had no pulse", he got scared and went away.

For the prosecutor Vaz, "El Cachila" was present "before, during and after" the homicide, whose motive was probably "badual".

Among the tests valid for treatment were the results of psychological, psychiatric and semiological investigations which revealed that the defendant had a personality with a tendency to "mythomania", to "get angry easily and lose control of his urges. ", as well as a scheme" contempt and violation of the rights of others ".


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