The new decoration chosen by Joe Biden for the oval office


The president of the United States Joe biden, in addition to signing his first decrees, he took advantage of his first days in command to begin change picture one of the most emblematic places of power: the oval office. Among his first modifications, the president chose to place works of art that underline their commitment to the fight for civil rights, unity – one of the axes of his inauguration speech – and science.

Behind his desk, Biden organized a series of family photo frame on a shelf. Here too brought to the fore a photo of himself with Pope Francis as part of the new decoration of the Oval Office.

On the sides they also arranged bronze busts union leaders and civil rights activists. One of them, the historic union leader of Mexican origin Cesar Chavez.

he Andrew Jackson painting, the country’s seventh president and a populist who sent the Cherokee nation into exile, whom Donald Trump admired, has been removed from the room. In its place, a painting depicting one of the nation’s founding fathers, the scientist Benjamin franklin.

General view of the Oval Office, decorated for President Joe Biden, at the White House. (Photo: JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERS)

Next to this painting, in a library, it was placed near a moon stone, a nod to the importance that this administration wants to give to science.

In his office, Biden also placed the busts of Martin Luther King and of Robert F. Kennedy, the latter on the fireplace, as recorded The Washington Post, who was given access to the room on a private tour.

A sample of moon rock from the Apollo 17 mission shares space with works written by George Washington and Nathaniel Hawthorne in the Oval Office. (Photo: JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERS)

In line with your commitment to fight against racial discrimination in his country, as he said in his speech on Wednesday, he placed a bust of the legendary black rights activist Rosa Parks.

Also from Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady and advocate for women’s rights and the president Harry S. Truman, responsible for the economic reconstruction plan, another of the main axes of his government.

The brand new President of the United States has also moved into his library a sculpture by indigenous artist Allan Houser of a horse and rider Chiricahua Apache, which belonged to the late Hawaiian Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye, the first Japanese-American elected to Congress.

In addition, military flags have been removed that Trump had placed next to the American and the presidency.

In turn, some carpet, curtain and wallpaper changes. In the offices of officials in the west wing of the White House, new acrylic computers and dividers between each office, as a health protection measure against the coronavirus pandemic.

As reported by the American channel CNN, in the hallways photos with Trump administration highlights have been removed and instead, gold-framed images of Biden’s Delaware speech on the eve of his inauguration, as well as the tribute to coronavirus victims on the plaza at the National Mall.

Trump’s controversial red button

Amid media fury over the inauguration of Joe Biden, the English political commentator Tom newton dunn published a report that sparked discussions on social media: the brand new president left the oval office a “red button” that his predecessor, Donald Trump, had placed on the desk for an unusual function.

President Biden removed the Diet Coke buttonThe reporter reported on Twitter. And he said that when he and his colleague Tim Shipman interviewed the American mogul in his office in 2019, they were “mesmerized” by what the little red button was doing.

As he recounted, at the insistence of investigators, Trump squeezed him and a butler quickly brought him the aforementioned soda “On a silver platter.”

“Now he’s gone,” Newton Dunn confirmed with pictures that compare the two offices. On Trump’s desk, you can see a wooden ingot, with a gold circle and a red button next to the phones. In Biden already does not appear.

The former President of the United States showed reporters the button Associated press and Financial Times in 2017, recalled the channel Fox News And he said he also boasted that his employees always noticed him when he pressed him.

“Everyone gets a little nervous when I press that button,” Trump told an economics media reporter.

Newton Dunn’s post was released Thursday night, the day after Biden’s inauguration, and went viral on Twitter, to the point that even local media echoed the comment.

In December 2017, the newspaper The New York Times Says that Trump consumes 12 cans of this soda every day in its sugar-free version. “While watching cable TV, share your thoughts with anyone in the room, even the staff of the house button summon eat or take one of dozens of diet cokes that he consumes every day, ”the prestigious American media wrote in an article.

For its part, The Washington Post He also referred to the president’s unhealthy diet, saying that “those who follow President Trump’s diet know that Wendy’s and McDonald’s are their staple foods. During his campaign, Trump sniffed fish fillets and Big Macs and munched on Oreos. Then he washed everything with a diet Coke ”, published the media in December 2017 with a photo of the magnate having lunch on board the presidential plane.

A curious fact is that the president Biden is also said to be a fan of the famous soda brand. cola flavor in its “zero” version, reduced in calories. The newspaper reported it The Washington Post in an article on the list of products that the presidential family requested to have on hand at the White House. “The list of foods that the Bidens asked to have on hand also indicated a healthier diet, including apples, red grapes, Diet Coke and Coke Zero (the one chosen by the former vice-president), Special K cereals and low fat yogurt. The publication said.


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