the new Huawei phones will not have Facebook, WhatsApp or Instagram


June 7, 2019 – 5:19 pm
With this measure, the social networking giant is seeking a blow to Chinese society.

The trade war between China and the United States adds a new chapter. Facebook applications will no longer be preinstalled in Huawei's new devices, according to the sanctions imposed by the United States to the Chinese technology giant in the context of its commercial dispute with Beijing, announced Friday the California company.
However, current owners of Huawei smartphones including the company's apps (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram) will be able to continue to use and update them while the company continues to have access to the Google Play store.

The measure, which is another blow to the Chinese technology giant, will be effective during the review of sanctions recently introduced by the United States.

"We are reviewing the Commerce's final regulations and the latest general license issued temporarily and we are taking steps to ensure compliance," said a spokesman for Facebook.

He added that Huawei users who have already installed the social network application on their phone will continue to use it without problems and may even download updates, according to the CNN news network.

This announcement comes as the commercial battle between the US and China intensifies, competing for the global leadership of phones with 5G technology.

Last month, the US Department of Commerce banned local companies from selling their technology to Huawei and other Chinese companies without government approval, which Beijing promised to release.

Washington is pushing for Huawei, the world's largest equipment provider and the second largest smartphone maker, to be banned from the market, saying Beijing could use its devices for cyber espionage.

It is unclear what will happen with Google, which manufactures the Android operating system used by Huawei. The company already predicted that existing Huawei phones would continue to be accepted, while for future devices, only basic services would be available, but would not include their card, e-mail and engine applications and services. research.

Technological War

Russian President Vladimir Putin pleaded Friday at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF) for strong statements on the US veto against Chinese company Huawei, comparing the situation to a "technological war".

Vladimir Poutine

"We are concerned about the destructive practices that are affecting not only the traditional markets – energy, commodities, consumer goods – but we are also turning to new developing markets," said Putin.

"For example, the situation with Huawei, who is not only being displaced, but who was forced to leave the global market without ceremony, was called in some circles the first technological war of the digital era. "

The Eurasian leader also said that "the current model of international economic relations is in crisis today" and that it is a "full crisis".

He also stated that the problems had worsened in recent decades and that they were now "more serious and more serious than they previously seemed", as the United States is trying to & # 39; "impose their legal power" on the entire planet.

"This is how the United States," he says, "are acting today: they are expanding their jurisdiction in the world," Putin said.

He also stated that he had warned him 12 years ago and that the American model "contradicts the normal logic of communication between nations," adding that the most important is that he " does not meet the challenges of the future ".


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