The new "low cost" tariff regime for airlines: how is the Córdoba section?


Máximo Amadeo, commercial director of Aerolineas Argentinas, argued that today the new fare system was intended to establish "a segmentation of the cost of tickets tailored to the needs of each pbadenger, which could result in a reduction of up to 30%. at 25% in the price ".

The flag line has introduced from today a new tariff for cabotage flights, in which the pbadenger can choose to pay only for the services he uses, such as baggage checked in the cargo hold, the change of date or the choice of the destination. seat


"The idea," he said, "is to offer a more adequate fare for those who wish to travel cheaply.The discount could be about 25% on average, for example a pbadage. between Buenos Aires and Córdoba costing $ 990. section with the previous diagram, with the new scheme that tariff, without luggage attributes and change of date would be around $ 600 ".

"Logically, these amounts vary depending on the day, the time or the time of travel, because the plane tickets change according to these variables," concluded Amadeo.


"The main objective is to have a competitive proposal for all types of consumers and that is what all the airlines present in the country do today, what they are inexpensive or not, "Amadeo told the Telam agency.

He added that they were "at a time when the Argentine aviation market is developing intensively, because there is still a huge potential to continue to grow."

In this regard, he said: "Our goal is to situate Aerolineas Argentinas in this growth context, and in this area we are trying to offer different solutions for different consumers. new pricing system ".

The executive said that "we are doing the same thing as other airlines in the country, it is adjusting fares based on pbadenger size and paying only for what it uses." Thus, each of our customers can choose which services you receive on your flight, and pay only for these services. "

"This means, for example, that a pbadenger traveling only with a bag, a backpack or a small suitcase, without shipping his luggage, pays a cheaper fare than someone who drops a suitcase," he said. he explains.

He pointed out that "in the same way, a person whose travel date is insured and who does not need the flexibility that allows him to change the date or time of the flight will also pay less than the one who prefers to be able to change tickets in case of eventuality ".

Amadeo said: "We are doing nothing but aligning ourselves with what almost every airline in the world does, something that does not exclude low costs, but rather is a system used by regular airlines that segment their fares for the benefit of its pbadengers. "


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