The new "Pack" of Spain: four friends raped a teenager


The city of Manresa, Spain, was shocked by the police's publication of a new case of gang rape. According to official sources in the case, four men were arrested for mistreating a 17-year-old girl. The perpetrators, all of legal age, were arrested after the denunciation became official.

The emergency medical services confirmed that the attack had occurred around four in the morning in a busy department in the historic center of this city.

The Mozos of Escuadra cooperated with the Manresa police to transfer the detainees. Credit: Shutterstock
The Mozos of Escuadra cooperated with the Manresa police to transfer the detainees. Credit: Shutterstock

In this case, the local police and the Mozos from Escuadra collaborated to transfer the detainees to the police station. The authorities are trying to determine the role of each in the attack and their relationship with the victim.

The group rape took place in the Catalan city of Manresa. Credit: Shutterstock
The group rape took place in the Catalan city of Manresa. Credit: Shutterstock

This new "Manada", referring to the case of the five convicts for the gang rape of a young woman from Madrid to the festivities of San Fermin in 2016, will remain in detention until they take a statement and justice intervenes.

The community of Manresa has been very appalled by this new attack since the end of the trial last week. against another gang who raped, in turn, a teenager taking advantage of the fact that she was drunk. The violent episode occurred in an abandoned factory in October 2016.


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