The new wave of the genocidal apprentice | Opinion


From Rio de Janeiro.In a warehouse of the Ministry of Health in San Pablo, they are almost seven million coronavirus tests without distribution to provinces and municipalities. At the end of January, their validity will run out. I mean, it will be pure waste.

Brazil is, among the countries affected by the pandemic, one of those which have applied the tests to the population the least.

Several Latin American countries, such as Argentina, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Chile, have announced that they will receive the vaccine manufactured by the Pfizer. Brazil has not spoken. Or better, in parallel, ruled out the vaccine – which has already started to be applied in Britain – because it needs to be stored at minus 70 degrees.

A multitude of infectologists and scientists assure that yes, there are conditions for storing the vaccine in special refrigerators.

Health ministry, led by active army general Eduardo Pazuello, silences.

By the way: Pazuello, a self-styled logistics specialist, has no idea what the Brazilian public health service is, which until a few years ago was considered a global benchmark. He doesn’t know, for example, how to get at least 400 million syringes to give any vaccine.

The only thing he did was to spread the army in all the decision-making positions of the ministry and to deny the obvious: the gravity of the situation being experienced in the country, and that now it has entered a second wave. particularly violent.

The same Ministry of Health has allocated two billion reais – nearly $ 500 billion – initially allocated to “emergency resources” to fight Covid to institutions that deal with everything except the pandemic: maternity hospitals, eye clinics, hospitals psychiatric. The explanation: none.

Yesterday, Saturday, the intensive care units of private clinics in Rio de Janeiro were 98% filled. Those of public health, 94. In São Paulo, the picture is just as dramatic: 92% in private, 89 in public.

In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, the picture was just as astonishing. And in many other Brazilian capitals.

By betting all its chips on a few immunizers, the far-right government Jair Bolsonaro (Photo) pushed Brazil to the bottom of the line of vaccine contenders.

Between one dispute and the other, still in view of the presidential election of 2022, with the right-wing governor of the province of San Pablo, João DoriaBolsonaro has put up barriers to a series of vaccines, to focus on those who have been directly contacted by his government.

The Chinese vaccine, for example, has been dismissed as “communist”.

Until yesterday, Saturday nationwide, there have been more than six and a half million infected – more than two Uruguayans added – and 177,000 deaths.

In Cuba, for example, which has just under eleven million inhabitants, the fatal victims of the coronavirus do not reach 200.

But Bolsonaro and his government insist on rejecting vaccines and social isolation measures, they refuse to accept the gravity and dimensions of the tragedy.

Even in this, Brazil is isolated not only from the rest of the regions of our Latin America, but from the world.

Even in the United States of your idol and guide, Donald trump, such a refusal was reached.

The truth is that at this stage, it is difficult to find, in a country with specific weight on the world stage, a country that compares itself to Brazil by absurdity.

Bolsonaro heads a government that doesn’t rule, destroys everything. Its Minister of Health does nothing other than deny what little remains of the image of the armed forces alongside public opinion.

The economy has gone to hell, along with public health, education, environment, science, arts and culture, everything, everything.

It is not a question of alarmism: it is a simple check.

And now comes the straw: Bolsonaro, the apprentice of the genocide, by calling the effects of the worst pandemic in history, even more deadly than the “Spanish fever” of the beginning of the last century, takes responsibility, or at least accomplice, of 28 deaths every 24 hours.

More than one every 60 minutes.

And everything indicates that he wants more and more.


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