The New York Times admitted that his writing is a read …


In a fit of self-criticism, the The New York Times admitted that its newsroom “is too often a difficult place to work” for Latinos and blacks. He did so in a report they released after eight months of self-analysis.

Fundamentally, this is the central conclusion the company came to which, amid last year’s surge in protests in the United States for racial equality, looked at its own structure and dynamics. To prepare for the analysis, the newspaper interviewed more than 400 employees.

The report notes that Latinos and Blacks are not represented equally in leadership positions, while some Asian employees say they are “invisible and misunderstood”, to the point that some of them have declared to have been called with the name of another colleague of the same nationality.

“Our current culture and systems do not allow all workers to thrive and do their best,” acknowledges the document, which indicates that this applies to differences in ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-cultural background and ideological views. “But this is especially true for blacks, many of whom have described painful and disturbing experiences during their working days,” he adds.

Today, according to the newspaper, people of color make up 33% of the company’s total workforce, and 23% of them are in leadership roles.

Just one 5% of management positions are held by blacks and 4% by Latinos, while that figure rises to 12% for Asians, while only 1% of newspaper employees are Native Americans.

In response to the report, thThe Times pledged to increase the percentage of Latinos and blacks in leadership positions to 50% by 2025 and create a department of diversity in human resources.


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